About 35,000 people from 3800 households in Tarime District, Mara Region will benefit from a clean and safe water project financed by Barrick North Mara Gold Mine.
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASA) Manager in Tarime Eng Malando Masheku said at the launching of the project at the weekend by the Uhuru Torch race that about 21 water points spread in four villages of Nyangoto, Mjini Kati, Matongo and Nyabichune have been built to serve the people.
“Barrick North Mara Gold Mine has spent about 999m/- to execute the project being part of the company’s corporate social responsibility investment,” he said.
He said the project guarantees people in the area the availability and reliable clean and safe water thus protecting them from contamination of waterborne diseases.
Mara’s RUWASA Regional Manager Tulinumpoki Mwakalukwa said the water sources Mara River inside North Mara Gold Mine is treated according to the country’s standards before being distributed to the users.
The leader of Uhuru Torch Race 2023, Abdalla Shaib Kaim, hailed North Mara Gold Mine for financing and implementing the water project at Nyangoto village under close supervision of the government.
“After inspecting the project we have found that it met the standards of water projects and has true value for money,” he said.