e-GA hailed for boosting research, innovation

DODOMA: THE Parliamentary Standing Public Audit Committee (PAC) has commended the e-Government Authority (e-GA) for research and innovation, which facilitates the building of information and communication technology systems, leading to enhanced productivity.

PAC Vice-Chairman, Mr Japhet Hasunga said after they toured the eGovernment Research, Innovation and Development Centre (e-GovRIDC) that the authority was a blessing to the government since it has facilitated the development of ICT and security systems to save government resources used to procure the services from private facilities.

“e-GA is strengthening e-Government Research, Innovation and Development Centre (e-GovRIDC). e-GovRIDC serves as a think-tank and knowledge base that will keep the government abreast on the latest technological solutions for improving public service delivery to support the Third Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP-III),” said Mr Hasunga.


The entity focuses on making ICT a driving force towards the information economy within which the whole World operates. Prior, the government incurred huge costs in sourcing ICT and security systems from foreign firms.

“Previously, one of the areas which were a challenge to most public entities toured by the committee was ICT systems; with e-GA it is now a history.” He said some public entities purchased a single ICT system up to 30bn/- and had to get rid of it within a year and opt for another one for failure to meet their needs.

He underscored the need for the e-GA to ensure harmonisation of the government ICT systems to fast-track public service delivery. The committee member, Ms Ester Matiko urged e-Ga to see how best they can invest and engage more youths in state-of-the-art digital technologies, especially in blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Speaking during the tour, Deputy Minister of State in the President’s Office of Public Service and Good Governance, Mr Ridhiwani Kikwete urged the committee to be e-GA good ambassadors as far as e-governance is concerned and its efficiency.

He said the committee should consider increasing the budget for e-Government Research, Innovation and Development Centre (e-GovRIDC).

On his part, e-GA Director General, Eng Benedict Ndomba said they will work on the committee recommendations for more efficiency and effective service delivery.