Why 10th anniversary of Bunju Roman Catholic Church matters

A cross section of couples who tied their knots during the 10th Anniversary of the Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel RC Church in Bunju, Dar es Salaam listen to the homily on August 24, 2022.

BEAUTY at its best is how you can term the brides who were all glittery in their white wedding gowns amid the most amazing hair dos one can imagine. All the ladies in the church looked so immaculate that one could mistake them for angels.

However they were no angels, but rather 52 brides who had turned in their numbers to tie their knots at the Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church in Bunju, Dar es Salaam as part of the 10th anniversary for the Parish.

The mood was that of jubilant or rather flamboyancy at its best. The other wisely huge ‘Basilica’ was full to the brim with family members who had gone to witness the great day.


What hit this scribe however was not the beautiful and handsome brides and grooms, but rather the powerful sermon issued by the Dar es Salaam RC Church Right Reverend Archbishop Jude Thadeus Ruwaichi specifically during these tough times where couples have been failing to live up to their vows.

The man of God sent a strong message over the four pillars of marriage within the RC as love, unity, trust and eternity while calling upon couples to shun away from extra marital affairs popularly known in Kiswahili as Michepuko alias diversion.

“Eternity means till death does you apart, but that means when God decides to take one of you not the other spouse taking the other’s life. As you make your vows here you should also remember that there are no chances for you to have an alternative lover. Don’t think you will be allowed to act the way you carry a bucket of water with another small gallon, nope, that is not the case in marriage,” warned the Archbishop.

The Archbishop could not hide his love for the environment before and after the mass where he utilized the day to plant a tree and there after called upon those who were opening the champagne to make sure they pick the wooden lids from the floor before they left.

At the after mass ceremony to commemorate the day, the Tanzania Media for Community Development (TAMCODE) through its personnel, Ms Rose Ngunangwa Mwalongo called upon couples to shun away from gender based violence in all of its forms.

“One of the major challenges prevalent in our country is spousal battery where couples both male and female at times physically abuse each other, some causing disabilities and at times killing each other.

Violence affects not only you, but also your children’s future. You should also seek divine power and find a way to solve your marital problems rather than kill each other,” said Ngunangwa alias Fat Lady while moderating to the 500 guests who were there. She also utilized the platform to remind worshippers to protect their children against child marriage saying marrying them at a young age deprives them their right and shatters their dreams.

“Protect your children from female genital mutilation, early and unintended pregnancies and sexual abuse. Do not just trust any person with your children. Times are hard, and we all need to be keen with over whom we entrust our children with,” said Ms Ngunangwa.

According to the Highest Catholic Population 2022 and the Wikipedia, Tanzania has over 12 million Roman Catholic worshippers, accounting for 27.20 percent of the whole population.

The United Republic of Tanzania recognizes religious freedom as a principle and makes efforts to protect it where it has been incorporated under its Constitution.

The right to worship is guaranteed under Article 19 of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania where it states that: (1) every person has the right to the freedom of thought or conscience, belief or faith, and choice in matters of religion, including the freedom to change his religion or faith.”

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