TPA takes over operations under TICTS

Tanzania International Container Services (TICTS)

THE Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) has from Sunday taken over operations that were initially carried out by the Tanzania International Container Services (TICTS) Limited.

In its public notice yesterday, the TPA released bank accounts for customers to pay for their consignments offloaded at berths number 8 to 11, which were initially operated by the TICTS.

The statement had it that the port charges would be paid in accordance to the guidelines of the ports’ tariffs used by the TICTS.


“During this interim period, contacts and office building to be used for offering services would continue being the same as used by the TICTS until further notice,” the statement says.

Recently, the authority announced that it will from January 1 this year take over cargo handling services done by the (TICTS) Limited, pledging that the services will be more quality than ever before.

In a related development, the TPA disclosed major reforms in the provision of services digitally from this January, citing some as the introduction of TPA’s mobile application and smart card to simplify payments.

Authority’s Deputy Director-General Juma Kijavara announced the new development in Bagamoyo during a strategic meeting with journalists.

The berths number 8 to 11 were under the TICTS for over 20 years  as tenant of the TPA.

Equally, Mr Kijavara elaborated that cargo handling equipment used by the TICTS would continue being used by the TPA, since the agreement has set provisions giving a right of first refusal to the government.

The right of first refusal is a contractual right giving its holder the option to transact with the other contracting party before others can, meaning that if the TICTS sells the equipment the TPA will be the first buyer.

“The equipment will remain there, only the management will change,” he stressed.

On the other hand, he allayed fears among workers of TICTS over losing their jobs, saying their jobs are safe. “Their jobs are safe and will be paid their benefits accordingly,” he vowed.

Speaking on the TPA’s mobile App, Mr Kijavara said, the application would enable the customers to make payments at any place without physically going to the banks.

About mastercard, he explained that it would allow customers to recharge and pay for various TPA’s services.

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