Patriotism should accentuate national voters register exercise

“EVERY Tanzanian must participate in the exercise of voter registration since this is their constitutional right citizens of Tanzania
PRIME Minister Mr. Kassim Majaliwa places his palm on a tablet to launch the update of the Permanent National Voters Register on 20th July, 2024 in Kigoma Region

TANZANIA: “EVERY Tanzanian must participate in the exercise of voter registration since this is their constitutional right and only those who are supposed to be registered must be qualified citizens of Tanzania.

It is the citizens first to identify outsiders, I urge you to be patriotic,” said the Prime Minister, Mr Kassim Majaliwa,  while delivering a speech during the launch of the update of the Permanent National Voters Register on 20th July, 2024 at Kawawa Stadium in Kigoma Region.

It is clear that the Premier, apart from many other important things he talked of during the inauguration ceremony, he reminded everyone of patriotism in the process of the update of the register to take center stage.


He spent time on that given the vastness of the country, bordering others nations, where peace, stability and security are ‘compromised.’

It should be noted that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in accordance with article 74(6) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977, read together with article 10(1)(a) and (b) of the Independent National Electoral Commission Act. No. 2 of 2024, has been entrusted with several responsibilities, including that of supervising and coordinating registration of voters in Presidential and Parliamentary election in the United Republic and the Councillors election for Mainland Tanzania.

Also, based on the provisions of section 16(5) of The Presidential, Parliamentary and Councillors Elections Act, No. 1 of 2024, the Electoral Management Body is obliged to update the Register twice between the period commencing immediately after the General Elections and the date preceding the nomination day.

It should be remembered again that, the last time the Commission updated the Register was in 2019/2020, which means it is high time the update of the Register takes place and since its supposed to be updated twice, this is the first phase, which according to the schedule unveiled by INEC, it will be completed come March 2025.

Procedurally, after the completion of the first phase, the Commission will produce a preliminary Register and put it in open places for legally accepted persons, including voters to review. At this juncture, whoever has a complaint against a registered voter can file an objection to INEC.

Its from this background and given the sensitivity of the exercise, the Premier found it crucial to emphasise saying: “It is our duty, the duty of all of us Tanzanians to use this opportunity to review the Preliminary Register when it is made public and to provide information if there are people we think are not qualified, such as those who are not citizens of Tanzania and have unfortunately been already registered, so that they can be erased from the Register according to the established procedures.”

Mr Majaliwa called on the Immigration Department to be alert and make efforts to provide awareness to the citizens over the importance of identifying and providing information concerning suspected trespassers, who want to seize the opportunity and pretend to be citizens of Tanzania, adding that citizens have the responsibility to report those who are already in the Register and those who are planning to get registered, while they are non-citizens so that appropriate measures can be taken against them.

Commenting on the role of political parties in the entire process, the Prime Minister urged them to use the legal opportunity to place registration agents at every voters’ registration centre provided for under section 17(1) of the Presidential, Parliamentary and Councillors Elections Act, No. 1 of 2024.

“I would like to take this opportunity to call upon leaders of political parties to ensure that their agents come from the respective locality, village and Shehia so that they can fulfil their legal obligation to identify people who have the qualifications to be registered as voters.

If this is done properly, the possibility of registering voters who are not citizens of Tanzania will not exist,” the Premier said.

The mandate of being patriotic in the process of updating the Permanent National Voters Register is also in the hands of individual registration agents, who will be appointed because they are the ones who know the natives of their localities and their backgrounds.

Thus, the Prime Minister emphasised on the importance of those agents to be patriotic while carrying out their duties.

He cautioned that since elections are for Tanzanians to choose their leaders, it would be ridiculous to allow foreigners to have a ticket of choosing leaders of this country.

“Agents who will be appointed by political parties are also responsible for identifying those seeking to be registered as voters at registration centres.

I urge all the agents to be patriotic and have faith in the Body entrusted with the responsibility of managing the update of the Register,” he said.

Patriotism was also underscored to various officials appointed by the Commission to coordinate the update of the Permanent National Voters Register, especially in serving the people efficiently and professionally.

“I strongly urge officials appointed by the Commission from the regional, constituency, ward and voter registration centre to be fair and prioritise patriotism by not giving opportunities to people who do not have the qualifications to participate in the update of the Register.

Each one should commit himself, work professionally and use decent language during implementation of the duties assigned to them,” the Prime Minister said.

In implementing this, the Prime Minister asked the executives to ensure that they comply with the laws, regulations and guidelines issued by the Electoral Management Body, in order to achieve this important task for the future of the nation.

Delivering his brief to the Premier at the launch of the update of the Register, the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, the Court of Appeal Judge, Jacobs Mwambegele said based on the provisions of section 10(1)(h) of the Independent National Electoral Commission Act No. 2 of 2024, the Commission has issued permits to 157 institutions and organisations that will provide voter education throughout the update period.

“Furthermore, considering the concept of transparency in this task as well as the provisions of regulation 46(1) and (4) of the Updating of the Permanent Voters Register Regulations of 2024, the Commission has issued permits to 33 local institutions and organisations to be registration observers to observe the process of updating the Register,” said Justice Mwambegele.

He said all the institutions and organisations that were accredited to provide voter education and observing the process of updating the Register, have been provided with various documents, including the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977, Laws and guidelines overriding the role of providing voter education and observing the matter in question.

“The commission will continue with its responsibility to ensure that these institutions and organisations carry out their duties in accordance with the law and regulations,” he said.

Following Justice Mwambegele’s briefing, the Prime Minister again underlined patriotism to the institutions and civil organisations that acquired permits to provide voter education and observing the process of updating the Register.

“All institutions and organisations permitted by the Commission to provide voter education and those accredited to observe the process of updating the Register, should ensure that they meticulously carry out their work in accordance with the conditions of the permits and guidelines issued and directives to be issued by the Commission,” the Premier said.

He asked those institutions and civil organisations to recognise the presence of other laws of the country, given the fact that such laws are in force and the permit should not be an excuse for the violation of other laws in anyway.

Patriotism was also emphasised to members of the press, given their pivotal role in providing accurate, educative, factual and timely information about the process of updating the Register.

The patriotism of journalists in this regard and in the Premier’s, perspective should be looked upon on how they use their pens to remind and inspire stakeholders on the importance of following procedures provided for in the laws, regulations and guidelines to solve or submit complaints over any kind of challenges that may arise during the update of the Register.