NGO plans to raise 83m/- to support orphans

THE Volunteers in Development (VID), an NGO dedicated to supporting orphans, is planning to conduct a fundraising drive to collect 82.4 m/- to support orphans and widows.

The raised funds will be allocated for the establishment of a two-storey community centre tailored to offer vital assistance to orphans, such as a nutrition unit, education, and access to various educational materials.

VID Chairperson Tune Shaaban Salim said that the organisation has served widows and orphans under the care of guardians in their homes for more than a decade.


“We have been serving orphans living with their caregivers in regions such as Pwani, Bagamoyo, Mwanza, Dar es Salaam, Tanga, and Zanzibar,” Ms Tune told reporters near the plot the NGO planned to build the centre in Dar es Salaam, yesterday.

The NGO is offering assistance to orphans residing in various regions, including Pwani, Bagamoyo, Mwanza, Dar es Salaam, Tanga and Zanzibar.

For the last 12 years, the NGO, established by a network of women connected through social media, supported around 970 orphans.

“We met on Facebook and began assisting people with various social needs such as medical treatment, and school fees,” she said.

The fundraising event is set to take place on Sunday in Dar es Salaam where Tanzania’s Chief Sheikh, Mufti Abubakar Zubeir Bin Ally anticipated to grace the occasion.

VID Spokesperson Ms Zubeda Shomari said the idea of building a community centre is to improve service delivery to the community and make the NGO self-sufficient.

VID is a women-led organisation dedicated to assisting orphans, widows, and various vulnerable individuals facing challenges in health and education. The organisation also advocates for the rights of children, women, and other special groups.

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