ZANZIBAR has been busy with groups, companies, NGOs and institutions celebrating, in different ways, the 3rd anniversary of President Hussein Ali Mwinyi since he was sworn-in as the 8th President of Zanzibar after the 1964 revolution which overthrew the sultanate regime.
Sports bonanzas, marathons and forums are among activities of the celebrations climaxing on 2nd November, 2023 when his regime will clock three years, where Dr Mwinyi decided to inspect implementation of some of the development projects.
Analysts also evaluate his performance in the past three years, particularly the fulfilment of promises he made during the elections campaign and the implementation of his party- Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) 2020/2025 manifesto, with many praising him for good work in different sectors and to the satisfaction of majority of citizens and electorates.
Fishing industry is one of the sectors that President Mwinyi has been doing well for the past three years. For example, fish production in 2020 was 38,107 tons with a value of 205.4bn/-, this grew to 61,794 tons at a value of 391.37bn/- by September 2023.
According to Dr Aboud Suleiman Jumbe- Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries revealed the statistics, showing admirable growth in the fishing industry as follows: seaweed production was 8,785 tons (value 5.38bn/-) in 2020 but has increased to 12,594 tons worth 10.05bn/- while the seaweed export was 11,382 tons (worth 11.38bn/-) in 2020 and increased to 13,972.5 tons valued at 16.01bn/-.
“Dr Mwinyi’s leadership has been committed to improve the fisheries sector,” the PS said, mentioning that the production of mud crabs’ was 29 tons worth 145m/- in 2020, increasing to 175 tons worth 882m/- in 2023. Sea cucumber production was only six tons worth 28.6m/- in 2020, but increased to 15 tons worth 339m/- in 2023
He explained that the export of dried sardines was 3.5 tons with a value of 12.3bn/- in 2020 but grew to 10,695 tons worth 39.1bn/- in 2023, while fishers who were trained and given loans were 1200 in 2020, but in 2023 they were 4,000, thanks to the IMF Covid19 recovery relief fund.
The number of fishing boats and harvested seaweed carriers given to fishers and farmers was nil in 2020, but in the 2023 it was about 518; developed sea cucumber farms is 78 until this year, and mud fish crabs farms and other fish farms are 60 and 20 respectively by this year.
Fish landing site: constructed fish landing site/port was one in 2020 but by September 2023 there were two, while a fish port is being constructed at Mangapwani area in Unguja West A district. This will improve fish industry in the isles, as the number of researches on fish has increased from two in 2020 to five in 2023.
The number of agreements signed for fish development with support from development partners increased from 3 in 2020 to 16 in 2023, and they include the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) establishing a seaweed processing factory to produce flour from the seaweed at Chamanangwe, Pemba.
KOICA also supports the construction of three mini processing plants (two in Unguja and one in Pemba) with a capacity of processing five to ten tons, and construction of cold chain facility at Kizimkazi in Unguja South District.

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD): construction of inclusive fish processing factory and cold storage system at Fungurefu- Mkokotoni in Unguja North A district; purchase of fishing ships to be under the Zanzibar Fishing Company (ZAFICO); and conducting research on the production of fish, sea cucumber and mud crab at Beit al Rasi in Unguja.
Construction of two training centres (one in Unguja and another in Pemba) for the management of sea resources and fish farming (fish, sea cucumber, and mud crabs); purchase of 50,000 fish hatchling from Indonesia; and renovation of a lab for production of seaweed seedling at Beit al Rasi, are other projects by the IFAD.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Covid-19 recovery relief fund: construction of fish Market and landing quay and sardine fish processing factory at Kama area in Unguja West A district, to provide the service to about ten thousand people; construction of a similar factory at Ndagoni in Pemba and purchase of 60 sardine fish driers from China.
FAO/SWIO-FC: Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission-SWIOFC Nairobi Convention partnership project; EU project for blue economy; JICA- fish landing and marketing facilities at Malindi (complete project) and implementation of a hatchery by the ‘Zanzibar Marine Hatchery Limited’ to produce sea cucumber.