DODOMA: VICE-PRESIDENT Dr Philip Mpango is today expected to grace the official opening of an international heart conference dubbed “Heart Team Africa – CARDIONTAN.
The event to be attended by about 500 delegates from 40 countries, is being held under the theme “Advances in Cardiovascular Care in Africa’, and aims to share experience on issues related to heart complications. Addressing journalists here yesterday, ahead of the conference, Executive Director of Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute (JKCI), East Africa’s largest Cardiac Centre, Dr Peter Kisenge said hosting the meeting was crucial for the country. “We are having this important meeting to share scientific experiences that will enhance the provision of cardiovascular care and build capacity for the heart team, so as to save lives,” Dr Kisenge said.
He said that facilitators of the conference to be closed tomorrow by Zanzibar President Dr Hussein Mwinyi, come from different countries. During the pre – conference activities yesterday, delegates attended hands-on training on how to deal with heart complications.
The conference focuses on advances in cardiovascular care, with eight subthemes including clinical cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, diagnostic imaging, nursing, anesthesia, critical care, interventional cardiology, and cardiovascular disease prevention.
Dr Kisenge was flanked by Acting Chairperson of the JKCI Board of Trustees, Ms Asha Ressa Izina, cardiologist Dr Parag Patel and Dr Dodwin Sharaw, facilitation coordinator who said that heart problems in Tanzania and the global data portrays bad situation.
He said that 16,000 out of two million newborns in Tanzania annually, have heart complications and 4,000 require surgery while 700 adults undergo surgery every year.
“This shows that heart problems are still big in the country, contributed by the current lifestyle of body inactivity and unhealthy eating,” Dr Sharaw said.