WELL, the Queen has slept but the monarchy hasn’t. She leaves behind her monumental challenges (for the Empire) in the 21st century and in the author’s opinion, the biggest being her own divided family.
Nobility is nothing but an extremely well cultured myth. But once that myth sags, recovery is never guaranteed and the cave-in could be forever. The new King, her eldest son Charles, shall have to re-engineer (or be helped to re-engineer) his regal DNA in order to gain greater appeal to his subjects and the broader world who view him largely as a misfit.
Yet, a King’s stock in trade is his wisdom as is forever cemented in Solomon’s Verdict. If Charles manages to heal the rift between his two sons and their wives, he perhaps shall have managed to win the hearts of many as being indeed, a gallant man of valour in the footsteps of his great forefathers.
If he fails in that, I’m afraid, he could be seen less relevant as a monarch in the era of growing liberal values.
So yes. Great Britain grieves and the world mourns a Monarch beloved by all. However, the same cannot be said of his heir. That is the challenge of King Charles lll.
Granted. He inherits an historically and culturally rich edifice but one that could crumble under his very gaze as the ghost of the People’s Princess Diana awakes to haunt him.
Elizabeth ll Regina shall indeed be missed by millions around the world. In a world increasingly characterised by greed, she symbolised empathy for all. She could have easily chosen to be arrogant but she instead carried herself with an out-of-this world gaiety and simplicity, which could have only been a gift from the Most High. Her personal story too, touches millions, including this author.
His late father, Alypius Munyaga, Esq., was among a very select number of people around the world awarded the Elizabeth ll Regina Coronation Medal when “Lilibet” acceded to the Throne on June 2, 1953.
The Medal is still a highly treasured item of the family’s prized collections, perpetually both sending rings of glory from the giver and the recipients.
So, God Save the King. But above all, since the day of death is greater than the day of birth, Fare Thee Well Mother of THE late Queen Elizabeth II. our collective passion.