THE eight councils in Kagera Region managed to collect a total of 17,108,729,815/- between July to December 31st, last year implying 59 per cent performance.
Assistant Administrative Secretary (Planning and Coordination) at the regional secretariat, Mr Onesphory Bwana explained that during 2022/2023 financial year that will end on June 30th, this year, the target is to collect a total of 29,398,950,000/-.
“During 2022/2023 financial year that will end on June 30th, this year, the target is to collect a total of 29,398,950,000/-.
“Already, the eight councils in Kagera Region have managed to collect a total of 17,108,729,815/- between July to December 31st, last year, implying 59 per cent performance. The good performance was due to joint effort,” he said.
Kyerwa DC topped the list after collecting a total of 2,988,030,996/-, while the target is set at 2,919,400,000/-, equivalent to 102 per cent performance.
Missenyi DC managed to collect 2,763,805,670/-, while the target is set at 4,035,900,000/, equivalent to 68 per cent performance.
Karagwe DC collected a total of 2,246,338,352/- compared to the set target of 3,807,992,000/-, implying 59 per cent performance.
Mr Bwana further expounded that Ngara DC managed to collect a total of 1,996,247,569/-, equivalent of 53 per cent of the 3,766,558,000/- target.
Bukoba DC recorded 53 per cent performance collecting a total of 1,107,372,663/-, while the target is 2,080,500,000/-, he said.
Bukoba Municipal Council recorded 52 per cent performance by collecting 1,841,886,412/- while the target is 3,520,000,000/-.
Muleba DC managed to collect a total of 3,010,622,628/- while the target is set at 6,337,100,000/-, equivalent of 47 per cent performance.
Biharamulo DC, on the other hand, collected a total of 1,154,425,521/- compared to the target set at 2,931,500,000/-. This was equivalent to 39 per cent performance, he said. for the past five years.