Govt: There is huge demand for accountants

Govt: There is huge demand for accountants

THE government has said increased flow of investors into the country is creating huge demand for accountants and auditors.

“There is high demand of more accountants and auditors of all levels to serve in both private and public sectors to cater for increased flow of investors into the country,” the Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Lawrence Mafuru said when speaking during the 44th graduation ceremony of National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) held in Dar es Salaam over the weekend.

“Our economy is growing fast so when we continue to attract private investors we must remember also that there is need for more accountants and auditors to serve in their industries and firms and it will be sad and shame for us if we give them assurance to invest and at the end of the day they don’t get proper accountants to work for them,”


Mr Mafuru insisted that even government need more accountants of highest standards and morals who will stand firm in their profession and save public funds from embezzlement.

He said accounting is rare professional which is appreciated by the community so thus urging graduates to protect its image before the public for working professionally and show people that they have graduated with competences and not by favor.

Mr Mafuru called upon the NBAA to consider international standards in its curriculum to enable the graduates to compete in global market when job opportunities arise.

“There are some accountants who conspire with their clients and prepare two financial reports to cheat the government, you can find that some of them prepare a report for Tanzania Revenue Authority and other report to send to financial institutions where they seek for loans, this is not right and it is dangerous for you because if you are found you can lose your certificates,” he said.

“If you want to know how this profession is important and has respect compare the number of Tanzanians and the number of accountants since the establishment of NBAA in 1972. Am told that since then there is 12,000 accountants out of 60 million people so you can see how important you are,”  said Mafuru who is also Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

Meanwhile, Mafuru said the government is satisfied with the good number of women who have entered in accountant profession that was dominated by men for a very long time.

He said the previous trend for women accountant is encouraging adding that affirmative action is needed to encourage more women to join the rare profession.

“The statistics that was mentioned in this graduation show that women are coming with the highest speed in this profession and the current situation is 50/50 this is good and we need more women to continue so that they can surpass men in the near future,” said Mafuru.

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