THE ruling party (CCM) has acknowledged the contribution by the Tanzania Standard Newspapers (TSN) Limited in informing the public about various strategic projects implemented by the government.
The government is currently implementing a number of projects in all sectors as stipulated by the ruling ‘Chama Cha Mapinduzi’ 2020-2025 Election Manifesto.
The state-owned company (TSN) is the publisher of ‘Daily News’, ‘Daily News on Saturday’, ‘Sunday News’, HabariLeo and HabariLeo Jumapili as well as the On-line edition.
TSN, through its newspapers has been informing the public on the progress of various development projects being executed by the government.
Though the projects cover all sectors of the economy the Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project (JNHPP), which has so far reached 89 per cent of its execution, and Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project, are the ones that are branded as the strategic projects, meant to catapult the country’s economic growth.
The JNHPP will be the largest electricity scheme installed in East Africa and among the largest in Africa in comparison to Egypt’s Aswan High Dam (2,100 MW), Mozambique’s Cabora Bassa Dam (2,075 MW) and Angola’s Lauca Dam (2,069 MW).
Speaking yesterday in Dar es salaam when she visited TSN headquarters located at Nelson Mandela Expressway, CCM Secretary for Publicity and Ideology Sophia Mjema said TSN has been doing a great job of informing the public and acting as a bridge between the government and the public.
“I would like to congratulate TSN and encourage you to continue informing the public and provide education to make sure that everything that is in the CCM manifesto 2020-2025 is clearly understood by the public,” she said.
She added: “People want to know the implementation of various government strategic projects and what the party has pledged in its manifesto,” Ms Mjema emphasised.
According to Mjema, her visit to TSN is intended to significantly cement the relationship between the company and CCM particularly the department of Ideology and Publicity which is very crucial in communicating the party’s ideology.
Ms Mjema visited TSN for the first time since she assumed the position earlier this year. While she was at the state-owned publishing house’s premises, Ms Mjema also got an opportunity to visit various departments including TSN production segment.
On behalf of the Managing Director, Acting Head of Information, Communication Technology and Statistics Unit, Mr Gasper Sango said the TSN management will continue to embrace professionalism and improve content to ensure the information is well disseminated to the public.
Mr Sango also called on CCM to expand the scope of business with the state-owned publishing company.