Call to serve people facing intellectual disability

TABORA: The Office of the Tabora District Medical Officer has reminded community health workers to support education programmes for people with intellectual disability.

Speaking immediately after a training session for the ward medical officers held in Tabora Town, District Medical Officer Paschal Matagi emphasized that it was the responsibility of health practitioners to assist the community, especially individuals facing intellectual disability related challenges.

Thanking the training organizers, Golisano Foundation, Dr. Matagi urged that the knowledge gained from the Special Olympics Tanzania (SOT) be applied in the community to educate citizens.

Dr. Marcel Kifutumo, in his remarks, highlighted that the training provided to ward medical officers would enable them to better serve the public, particularly in sports.

He acknowledged that individuals facing mental health challenges have often been neglected, with community members viewing them as burdens to their families.

Dr Kifutumo cited a case in Tabora where a patient with mental health issues used to sleep in the kitchen due to his condition. However, steps have been taken to address such challenges, according to Dr. Kifutumo.

Tabora Regional Social Welfare Officer Dr Nehemiah Steven expressed his satisfaction with the training, noting that it was his first time learning about Special Olympics Tanzania and its objectives.

Meanwhile, mental health doctor Swaum Kimaro commended the trainers, stating that stigma toward people with disabilities is one of the challenges facing the community. However, he believes that after the training session, the participants will become ambassadors in addressing this challenge.

In addition to the ward officers, other participants at the well-attended event included regional doctors, AIDS/HIV coordinators, and social welfare officers.

Prior to the training, SOT Director Charles Rays provided participants with a historical background of the institution.

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