TZ poised to become reliable ICT hub

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

TANZANIA has positioned itself to become a reliable Information and Communication Technology (ICT) hub through implementing projects such as the National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) and the National Physical Addressing (NaPA) System.

Minister for Infrastructure, Communication and Transport in Zanzibar, Dr Khalid Salum Mohamed said to date the country has already installed telecoms infrastructure and fibre-optic cables enabling ICT connectivity services to its neighbouring countries of Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi and Kenya, making it a reliable ICT Hub for broadband connectivity.

“Democratic Republic of Congo is soon earmarked to receive the same ICT services,” the Minister said at the official closing of the fourth Connect to Connect ‘C2C’ Summit 2022 held in Dar es Salaam.


“I believe that this Summit has opened more competitive doors for Tanzania to further expand its successful knowledge, experience and expertise in the ICT sector, that has enabled the accessibility of telecommunications cabling and infrastructure services across the whole country,” he said.

Dr Mohamed further praised the Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology for ensuring that more than 60 per cent of Tanzanians in the Mainland have fibre-optics infrastructure services.

As for Zanzibar, the Minister said that almost all 11 districts are already covered with fibre-optics infrastructure services.

“The government’s strong resolve in ensuring that telecoms cabling and infrastructure services are accessible across the country is something that we as a country were proud to share, exchange knowledge and expertise with over 300 international ICT experts who participated at the Summit,” highlighted Minister Mohamed.

In his opening remarks, Minister for Information, Communication and Information Technology Nape Nnauye said the Summit supports the sixth phase government’s digital agenda in diversifying the country’s economy, while tackling challenges that are facing citizens in accessibility and affordability of telecommunication services.

“The discussions will rejuvenate our country’s commitment to build a people-centered, inclusive and development oriented information society so that people could create access, utilise and share information and knowledge to achieve their full potential,” said the Minister.

“The Government has made a decision in building and securing a world class infrastructure with a capacity and speed to set Tanzania as a Regional ICT Hub.  We are fully engaged in connecting the underserved rural areas through Universal Communication Access Fund, Public Service Delivery through e-Government Programme and security as our critical infrastructure and keeping people safe online.

“I am pleased to see the diversity of people from different parts of Africa, sectors which are embracing ICT, international investors, solution providers recognising and supporting this event. Your presence at this summit will ensure that we share a rounded vision in improving connectivity across Africa,” said the Minister while acknowledging all sponsors including Vodacom, Helios, Huawei and others for their  support and consideration of sponsoring the event.

Highlighting on the optical fibres infrastructure with remarkable achievements that has enabled Tanzania and other African countries to connect to the rest of the world through international marine cables, the minister reminded participants that there is still need to develop new services and applications that can match bandwidths explosion while improving lives of people.

“We need to plan on how to breakdown international monopolistic barriers that may maintain bandwidth costs at high level despite international availability,” he said.  The benefits of low cost bandwidths were said to be critical for end-users in the country.

The minister also echoed the government’s steadfast focus in ICT sector as one of the key factors in transforming the country into a digital economy.

“Under the strong leadership of President Samia Suluhu Hassan, the president is promoting digital development in line with the Fourth Industrial Revolution towards the realised industrial driven and modern digital economy,” said the minister.

The minister further said Tanzania is extending its National ICT Broadband Backbone to enable citizens to get and enjoy affordable, reliable and high quality broadband services.

The Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology organised and hosted the C2C 2022 Summit in collaboration with the UK’s Extensia Ltd Company, making it a fourth conference to be held in Tanzania, following previous conferences held in the country from 2013 to 2015.

The two-day C2C Summit held on 7-8 September 2022 in Dar es Salaam provided a forum for local and international ICT experts, government, policy makers, investors, academicians, service providers and the like to delve in fruitful discussions about ICT connectivity agenda, technologies, policy frameworks, challenges and solutions.


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