TPDF bids farewell to six retired military officers

CDF Jacob Mkunda

THE Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), General Jacob Mkunda on Friday led a farewell ceremony of six military officers who retired from service in Tanzania People’s Defence Forces (TPDF).

Among the retired military officers, five are Brigadier Generals and one is a Major General.

The ceremony was decorated by military parade that took place at the Twalipo Administration Unit (TAU) in Dar es Salaam.


Speaking during the farewell ceremony, CDF Mkunda said that the Generals have worked with high integrity so they deserved to be sent with honour.

“Today was a very important day for us, to bid farewell to the retired general officers after serving our army for a long time, it is our tradition or culture that we say goodbye this way…

These military officers have worked for a long time and they have been honest to their country, so we have to say goodbye to them with respect,” CDF Mkunda said.

He further noted that despite being retired, the general officers will continue to be part of the army if they are needed at any time for a period of three consecutive years.

“When we say goodbye to them today (yesterday), it doesn’t mean that we leave them completely, they continue to be a part of us…when we need them, we will call them and they will go to serve like other soldiers,” he added.

On behalf of the General Officers who retired, Brigadier General Adolph Mutta pledged to remain loyal adding that he will continue to serve the army as long as he needed since the military job is a calling.

“We are ready to help, we are ready to be called day and night, and I am retired but I am ready to serve the army whenever required,” Brigadier General   Mutta underlined.

He also thanked his family and the army leaders in general for their cooperation throughout his service in the army.

Brigadier General Mutta highlighted pillars of which any military officer has to adhere to for the success of the army including discipline, commitment, and integrity, among others.

In a related development, he commended the former fourth president of Tanzania and Commander-In-Chief of Armed Forces, Dr Jakaya Kikweta who appointed him for the first time to spread military diplomacy in European and American countries.

“But I would also like to thank the late Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, Dr John Magufuli who also appointed me to spread or establish military diplomacy in Algeria, and the current Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Samia Suluhu Hassan who agreed for me to continue representing the country after she assumed power,” he added.

The list of retired general officers include Major General Anthony Sibuti, Brig Gen Adolph Mutta, Brig Gen Peter Gaganija, Brig Gen Egbert Kambanga, Brig Gen Abdallah Mohamed Alphonce and Brig Gen   Julius Mbwelo.

At the end of the celebration, the military parade formed the Omega shape to symbolize the end of their service in TPDF.

Omega is often used to denote the last, the end, or the ultimate limit of a set, in contrast to alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet.

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