TANAPA hands over beekeeping equipment to villagers

THE Tanzania National Parks Agency (TANAPA), through the outreach program under Gombe National Park has handed over equipment for bee keeping project worth 31m/- to three groups in Kiziba and Mwamgongo villages which have 73 members.

Reading the project implementation report Gombe National Park Assistant Conservation Commissioner Yustind Njamasi said the project was created by residents of the two villages of Mwamgongo and Kiziba and was aimed at conserving forest reserves in the village which borders Gombe National Park.

The project involved provision of education on modern bee keeping, equipment and purchase of 160 beehives, 4 honey presser among others.


The Commissioner said that the out recah progrmas have been done for many years sing 1990  in collabortaion with  Gombe National Prak and neibouring villages bordering the park and those which contribute to the  ecology system.

Handing over the project to the group members Kigoma District Commissioner Salum Abdallah Kalli, called upon the villagers to cooperate with the national park in conserving the resources  for the benefit of the present and future generation.

” I call upon all villagers to cooperate  with the national park especially on  issues  of protecting  forests and wildlife  and water sources …you should also take care of the project  so that you can benefit from it,” he  said.

He called upon them to build a culture of visiting the national parks so that they can see various tourist attractions and contribute to the national income.

The DC further said TANAPA through outreach program in Gombe National Park is implementing various projects which have been created by citizens which aimed at protecting environment.

“Along with the implementation of environmental projects, TANAPA has also implemented the development projects such as the construction of two classrooms in Bugamba primary school, the construction of three classrooms in Bugamba Secondary School, the construction of two classrooms in Mwamgongo Primary School, as well as the construction of teachers’ houses (Two in One)-in Mwamgongo Village, Projects which in general have cost TANAPA more than 230 million shillings.” Said Abdallah

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