Seven-member team formed to probe immense failure at Law School of Tanzania

Law School of Tanzania

THE Constitution and Legal Affairs Minister, Dr Damas Ndumbaro has formed a special seven-member team to investigate the cause of the massive student failure at the Law School of Tanzania (LST).

The seven-member team will be chaired by Dr Harrison Mwakyembe, the former Minister for Constitution and Legal Affairs.

The former President advisor in the fourth phase government, Rtd Judge Cililius Matupa and Rashid Asaa, the Chairman of the Ethics Commission of Public Leaders (Zanzibar) have been included in the team.


Others are Gloria Kalabamu, Vice President of the Tanganyika Bar Association, Alice Mtulo, senior lawyer from the Attorney General’s Office, Mary Mniwasa, Acting Chief Executive of Dar Stock Exchange (DSE) and John Kaombwe who is a graduate of LST.

The formation of the commission comes following the concern raised about the failure rate at the school in the final examination.

“The chairman of the committee formed will tell the public of their findings regarding the reason for such massive failure,” he said.

It was reported that in the latest result from Law School, out of 633 candidates, only 26 passed, 342 will be required to resit the exams while 256 failed.

The Minister has said that the committee will be given a term of reference by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for Constitution and Legal Affairs, Ms Mary Makondo on Thursday.