Russia to host Open Africa Business Forum

RUSSIA, Moscow Russia is set to host the Open Africa Business Forum on the footsteps of the Russia-Africa Summit, which is key to strengthening trade and economic ties between Africa and Russia.

The economic and humanitarian summit once again emphasized the potential of the African continent and the importance of cooperation between the two sides, says a statement issued by the forum’s Communications Manager, Francis Lungu.

“It is for these purposes that the Open Africa platform is organizing the first business forum in Moscow,” it’s adds.


The Open Africa Business Forum is a communication platform designed to expand business cooperation between African and Russian enterprises.

The Open Africa platform also includes a business catalog of Russian and African enterprises. The Open Africa business catalog is a platform containing information about companies interested in entering the markets of Russia and African countries.

“At the Forum we expect representatives of African business, business associations, as well as diplomatic representatives of African embassies in Russia,” explains Mr Lungu in the press release.

A partner of the Business Forum is “Business Russia” (, the largest business organization in Russia, uniting more than 7 thousand businesspersons.

“Business Russia” participates in the work to improve the investment climate and business environment, and promotes investment attraction.

African countries that have already confirmed their participation in the Moscow event include Angola, Burundi, Cote D’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

We are confident that Russian-African business cooperation is now at the starting point, and in a year’s time we will see hundreds of companies from Africa and Russia that have started technology transfer, established production on the African continent and have successful export and import operations.

Registration for the Moscow event is open on the Open Africa Business Forum website until August 20, and registration is free for African delegations (

Participating companies represent a wide range of economic sectors, such as energy, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, technology and others.

The partnerships created by the Open Africa Business Forum are key to strengthening trade and economic ties between Africa and Russia.

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