Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC)’s strategy of transforming postal services operations into digital format for sustainable business has started to pay off as the company records increase in income, profit and operational efficiency.
Speaking to the media during the presentation of 2022/2023 TPC’s Annual Report, Post Master General Macrice Mbodo said the company has recorded an income of 33.7 bn/- for the year 2022/2023 estimated as an increase of 3.4 per cent compared to 32 bn/- it earned in 2021/2022 financial year.
Mr Mbodo said that the organisation has generated 2.8bn/- profit before tax, equivalent to an increase of 16 per cent compared to 1.7bn/- earned in 2021/2022.The goal is to generate more than 11bn/- profit by 2025/2026.
He further noted that, TPC has successfully launched the mobile digital platform dubbed “Posta Kiganjani” which operates in a digital way through the use of mobile phone acting as a virtual box or digital box that brings simplicity to the marketing technology by making sure each and every person who owns a mobile phone has an access to postal services.
“The parcel’s sender and receiver have access to information through mobile phone and people can also pay for all postal services through mobile phone… that is a digital address means phone number is also a postal address,” he pointed out.
Elaborating, he noted that TPC has enabled more than 1,200 entrepreneurs and traders to sell their products inside and outside the country through the digital platform.
Speaking on the safety of customers’ parcels, Mr Mbodo said that TPC has strengthened the protection and safety of customers’ parcels by increasing three modern parcel inspection machines and increasing the number of machines to 16 in the post offices.
“We also increased 200 CCTV cameras in various offices in Mainland and Zanzibar and cooperate with security and defence agencies to ensure that no illegal product is sent through the post office” he said.
Moreover, the TPC boss noted that in 2022, TPC successfully participated in the population and housing census by transporting and distributing tablets and other census equipment in the country.
He also said that government through the Ministry of Health tasked the corporation to transport biological samples throughout the country from health centres to laboratories for tests and to return the results to the citizens on time.
“In order to ensure that the organisation meets the needs of customers and citizens in general, TPC has strengthened the delivery network by adding 14 vehicles and making the number of TPC’s vehicles reach 300 throughout the country” he noted
On the other hand, Mr Mbodo said TPC received support of 250bn/- from Universal Postal Union and got the status of developing electronic system for sending and receiving money within and across the country which is still in the process.
“Universal Postal Union has trusted TPC and placed its two offices inside TPC headquarters, including an office that supports and maintains all systems of Universal Postal Union for all English-speaking African countries and a project management office for East African Post offices” he added
For his part, the Chairman of Tanzania Editor’s Forum (TEF), Deodatus Balile commended Treasury Registrar (TR) Nehemia Mchechu for facilitating the communication between the media and public institutions.
Mr Balile asked the TR to order the ministries to present their implementation to the editors as he did for public institutions.
TR agreed with public institutions to present the annual report by meeting with media editors and explaining the work they have done and success they achieved.