NECTA announces fate for over 100,000 ACSEE candidates

THE National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA) published on Thursday results for a total of 106,883 students who sat for their final Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) in May this year.

Making the announcement in Zanzibar today, NECTA’s Executive Secretary Dr. Said Ally Mohammed said 99.23 per cent or 104,549 of the candidates passed their tests representing an increase of 0.26 per cent compared to last year.

At least 46,707 candidates were girls and 57,843 boys.


NECTA canceled the results of 11 candidates, eight school candidates and three private candidates for cheating.

Form Six candidates sat for their final exams on May 1, 2023 across the country with the number of candidates increasing from 95, 955 registered last year to 106,955.

In addition, the Executive Secretary said that the council has also withheld the results of 165 candidates.

Elaborating he said among the candidates whose results have been withheld, 153 are those who sat for their Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE), 8 from Grade A Teachers Certificate Examination (GATCE) and the other 8 are those taking Diploma in Secondary Education (DSEE).

According to Mr Mohammed, the candidates failed to sit for all their exams due to various health problems.

“According to the law, the candidates have been granted another opportunity to sit for their exams in the year 2024,” he stated.

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