Mwanza achieves success in Covid-19 vaccination

VACCINATION against the Covid-19 pandemic in Mwanza region has brought positive results against the challenge, as more than 1,600,000 to accessed the service that has brought great positive results.

The discovery of a vaccine against the corona virus disease through the hard work of specialist hospital doctors and the great work of removing disinformation made by the media will remain in memory for many years in the world.

Indeed, the discovery made by those experts has helped to save human lives in the world due to the pandemic that shook and brought fear due to the fact that it was causing millions of people to lose their lives and created lack the certainty of living.


Mwanza Press Club (MPC) in collaboration with the Internews took a responsibility of ensuring that community in Mwanza region is well informed about the development of vaccination in order to achieve success in becoming with a community that has acquired community immunity.

The national campaign began by providing vaccination to priority groups, including the elderly, health workers and institutions that include those who meet many people every day, leaders and even journalists.

People have continued to show up in various centres that have been recognized by the government for providing that important service to today’s world.

This reaction of people of different classes to satisfy themselves that it is important to get the vaccine in order to be in a safe world without the fear of corona enabled them to do their activities freely is a great comfort for today’s world.

Some of the politicians who arrived at the service centres praised the process and procedure of the vaccination, arguing that apart from the education they receive also they are given the opportunity to ask questions to satisfy themselves before reaching the stage of vaccination a situation that has brought positive results to the community.

The Director General of the United Nations World Health Organization, (WHO), Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus urged all countries in the world to recognize the vaccines approved by the organization for emergency use against the Corona disease or COVID-19.

Some of the vaccines that have helped to bring relief to the world include Pfizer/BioNTech, Astrazeneca- of South Korea or SK Bio, Astrazeneca from Serum Institute in India, Janssen, Moderna, Sinopharm and Sinovac.

The vaccines given to Tanzania with the help of the United States through the United Nations program to search for Corona or COVID-19 vaccines, COVAX Relief arrived on July 24, 2021 in this country and began to be given there in August 2021.

Dr Ghebreyesus asked the companies that make vaccines to give priority for delivery of vaccines through the United Nations system for distributing the Corona vaccine and that of the African Union, AVAT so that they can be sent to where there is still a gap.

He urged countries that have already at least reached a good level of vaccination delivery to fulfill their promises to send the Corona vaccine to the places where it is most needed, in parallel with sending the simple vaccine production technology to the areas where Corona vaccine production factories have been established.

Dr Ghebreyesus has said that he will continue to emphasize the issue of the ratio of vaccination allocation in the world. He said, “I don’t care if I am seen repeating this argument until we reach the ratio of vaccination is achieved.”

Dr Ghebreyesus emphasized that as the inequality in the allocation of vaccines continues, the same way the corona virus will continue to spread and change social and economic life and there will be a greater opportunity for the Corona virus to emerge and the vaccine to fail to be effective.

Mwanza Region has given vaccination to more than 1,600,000 people against the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) while the emphasis is to continue to give those who still to be vaccinated to get the service to end the pandemic all over the world.

Mwanza Regional Medical Officer, Dr Thomas Rutachunzibwa said this in the monthly meeting with journalists of Mwanza Press Club in collaboration with the Internews organization to evaluate the results of the vaccination.

He said that the region has exceeded the goal by reaching more than 87 percent of the people and their goal is to enable all people to get the service in order to fight the disease.

“Despite the decline in the rate of corona infection in this country and in the world, our goal is to ensure that we reach the goal of 100 percent” said Dr Rutachunzibwa.

Dr Rutachunzibwa thanked the media for enabling the community in the region to understand the benefits of vaccination and thereby removing the false theories that were being spread against the existence of the effects of the vaccines.

He said the goal that the region has given vaccine to more than 1.8 million people to facilitate herd immunity, saying that the cost of prevention is lower than treatment.

The Chairman of Mwanza Press Club (MPC), Mr Edwin Soko, said that journalist are collaborating with Internews organization through the project of ‘Boresha Habari’ to enable the community to understand the importance of getting vaccination.

He said journalists will continue to provide accurate information so as not to lose sight of the importance of citizens getting vaccinated to enable Tanzanians to live without corona.

The Coordinator of Health Education from the office of the Mwanza Regional Medical Officer, Mr Renard Mlyakado who presented the topic at the discussion which involved 30 journalists from the region said that they have reached more than 87 percent of the vaccination for people aged from 18 years and onwards.

He said that the region has 356 centres for vaccination and people still attend for vaccination process in all district councils within the region.

Mr Mlyakado said that the Ukerewe District Council holds the first place for vaccination in the region where 98.4 percent have been vaccinated while the last district is Misungwi District Council that has given 74.3 percent.

“The success of vaccinating that number is by using the media, including creating special programs to encourage the provision of vaccinations, the participation of local government leaders, which together have helped citizens come forward to vaccinate, while the majority of those who showed up were women, including pregnant women,” said Mr Mlyakado.

Mr Mlyakado, explained that according to the World Health Organization (WHO), since the outbreak of Covid-19 in the world, Tanzania recorded, a total of 39, 679 cases of Covid-19 while deaths are 845 people.

He said 621.7 million people in the world have been reported to have contracted the virus and more than 6.5 million people have reportedly died since the outbreak of pandemic.

In addition, he said that according to the WHO, in the past 24 hours on 18 October, 164,921 new cases of infection with covid 19 have been reported worldwide, while 274 new deaths have occurred, a situation that is different before the vaccination where millions of people had this problem every day and causing the deaths of millions of people.