Ministry opens call centre to facilitate communication

Dr Dorothy Gwajima

DODOMA, Tanzania: MINISTER for Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups Dr Dorothy Gwajima has opened a special call with the aim of facilitating communication   between the ministry and the public.

Dubbed Jamii Call Centre will enable communication between the ministry and the public by receiving advices from the public and solving challenges facing the community and bring developmental changes.

“The services that we provide here  through Jamii Call Centre includes education about different economic opportunities that are available and special loans for women and special groups including bodaboda, food venders and street vendors through financial institutions and private sectors,” she added.


Dr Gwajima said that another service that will be provided include adoption of children and step-parenting.

The minister said there are proper channels to be followed when adopting a child and people should follow them instead of engaging in children theft.

On Gender-Based Violence, she said they will provide legal aid to all the victims including children and rights of women and widows and the matters related to children.

She said there prisons and centres for correcting behaviours of children and prevent cyber violences towards children in cooperation with police forces.

She further called upon different stakeholders and others sponsors to cooperate in dealing with the challenges which will be repotted at the centre.

Deputy Minister from the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups, Mwanaidi Ali Khamis said that the aim of jamii call centre is to deal with the challenges   facing the community and bring services closer to the people.

Mwanaidi said, “the government under President Samia Suluhu Hassan has put special plans that aim  at  solving challenges  facing the community in the process of bringing development and that is why she started this ministry so as to help the society  to bring community development changes.”

She added that, the ministry will help the community to know and understand the economic opportunities that are available in the docket such as soft loans that are for the people with special needs and the call centre will help to educate the community and fast track the process of addressing challenges facing them.

For his part, the ministry’s Permanent Secretary DrJohn Jingu said that the call centre will provide all the services that are under their ministry and there will be a special line specifically for a service that is needed by the customer.

Dr Jingu added, “the customers all over the country will get services directly from our professional service providers and get answers to their challenges from our team in the centre and if it will need further clarification from the top management they will be informed and they will go back to them after getting their answers.”

He added that the centre will bring services  closer to the  citizen  and for now is through telephone calls but in future they will also reach out the community via social media platforms and normal text messages and all of that will be recorded in the centre.

“Even though the call centre aim to simplify the communication with the public but also it will also be a place for the ministry to get feedback on the issues that will be recorded on daily basis, week, and every month and year and see the places that need improvements and places that we have succeed in providing services,” added Dr Jingu