DODOMA: MINISTER of State in the Vice-President’s Office (Union and Environment), Dr Selemani Jafo has said a lot of success have been registered in education, health and water sectors in 60 years of Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar.
He made the remarks on Friday in Dodoma as he highlighted on some of the positive impacts that have been brought courtesy of the Union between the two sides.
“In our Union, we have made major strides in health sector with more than 9,000 health centres that have been built. In every council, you find health facilities and dispensaries that are providing services to people,” Dr Jafo said.
He added that with the Covid-19 relief fund the country received from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) amounting to 600million US dollars in 2021.
The IMF board approved a disbursement of 189 million US dollars to Tanzania under its Rapid Credit Facility (RCF), as well as 378 million under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI). Part of which was invested in developing water projects in both Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar as well as fostering education sector through construction of classrooms.
“Almost 100 million US dollars went to Zanzibar, the money was used for construction of modern classroom blocks and also, in each district of the Isles, there is a well-stocked hospital providing services to people,” he said.
Moreover, Dr Jafo said that the prevailing peace and security in both sides of the Union plays a crucial role in attracting tourists.
“In Zanzibar, you see an increasing number Airplanes landing with big number of tourists, the similar scenario is at the Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) and at Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) leading to economic growth in both sides of the Union thanks to the strong unity we have,” he said.
Furthermore, he said that the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) which operates in both sides of the Union has brought in significant development.
“I can say TASAF projects have made outstanding performance in both mainland and Zanzibar not forgetting projects that facilitate environment issues…all these are remarkable successes that we are enjoying as Tanzanians,” he said.
In other development, he said that the ongoing tree planting campaign in both sides is bringing positive impacts by ensuring preservation of environment.
“I thank the environment ambassadors who are doing a commendable job of promoting this essential campaign,” he said.