DAR ES SALAAM: JOURNALISTS have been called upon to publicise more achievements on women leaders to increase the numbers of female leaders in the governance system.
Ms Rachel Magege, VOTE: WOMEN Project Coordinator with POLLICY made the call in Dar es Salaam recently at a one- day session meant to engage women leaders with female journalists to make the latter’s work visible.
She said POLLICY would wish to see more achievements shared on women leaders by the media adding “we are happy as we are heading towards the local government elections and would wish to see more women leaders as they are faithful and good in what they do.”
For her part, a veteran female scribe Evaline Mwakatuma now with the Dar municipal council called upon the need for women leaders to create close ties with the media for the latter to make their work visible saying failure to do so will see them lose the race.
Beatrice Nyamisango, a councillor with the municipal council in Dar stressed upon women leaders to use the media for the community to know who they are before they can vote for them.
“I call upon my fellow councillors to create ties with the media. Some assume that using media means you have nothing to do while that is not the case.
Let us respect members of the press,” said Nyamisango. For her part, Hamida Hassan, a scribe by profession, called upon women leaders to use all media outlets smaller and bigger to sell their work instead of only opting for bigger ones.
She faulted leaders who once at the top ceased to collaborate with scribes who were once part of the team that made them visible enough to become leaders.
For her part, Moza Mwano, a councillor from Segerea thanked POLLICY for the several sessions conducted for them on the use of digital media saying it has been able to broaden her scope of understanding where she now shares her work through social media.
VOTE WOMEN project is implemented by POLLICY to build data skills among women politicians with its objectives being to see more women voting, running and leading countries.