THE World Vision Tanzania has advised the government through the Parliament to see how best the budget for child protection and child security can be increased for fighting violence incidents, including early marriages.
World Vision Tanzania Board Chairperson, Dr Diana Mndeme said it is of paramount importance for the Parliament to ensure the needed budget allocation when endorsing budget including the one on child protection and security.
She said World Vision Tanzania as a partner and stakeholders in children protection issues, has decided to organize essay competition as a means to raise awareness on children’s rights in schools and communities.
Moreover, they urged the government to set up a special desk for quick service in every district and region that will fast-track on-spot services to the victims of violence.
Dr Mndeme called for stiff action to the perpetrators for early pregnancies, child marriages and violence acts against children.
She said reproductive health and education is key especially in regions where early pregnancy rates are high.
The ministry responsible for community development has also been advised to fast track the setup of child protection desks in schools as well as children councils where they can discuss their issues and come up with best solutions.
“World Vision Tanzania vows to keep on working closely with the government, religious leaders, parents and guardians, children and other stakeholders in advocating for child protections. We want to ensure we contribute for the child safeguarding and protection, live healthy and happily as well as enjoys the rights attached to their growth,” she said
Dr Mndeme commended schools which have provided national level winners in the Protection of childhood pregnancies essay competition saying World Vision Tanzania will construct two classrooms equipped with desks for the top three winner’s schools.
She named the primary schools as Jangwani in Mufindi, Iringa region, Solya in Manyoni, Singida region and Qarulambo in Karatu, Arusha region.
The essay competition involves standard six and seven primary school’s students conducted by World Vision Tanzania since March this year in 27 districts of 12 regions.
The regions are Arusha, Manyara, Tanga, Dodoma, Singida, Iringa, Shinyanga, Simiyu, Tabora, Kigoma, Kagera and Kilimanjaro.