Govt, stakeholders to empower teenage mothers

Govt, stakeholders to empower teenage mothers

THE government has reaffirmed its commitment to help teenage mothers achieve their dreams through partnership with various stakeholders, parliament was informed here on Tueasday.

Deputy Minister for Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups, Mwanaidi Ali Khamisi told the House that the government had different ways of assisting teenage girls-come mothers who got married at tender age acquires skills that can help them in life.

She maintained that through collaboration with development partners, the government had enabled many young women to get skills based on their own demand and choices, allowing them to be independent.


The deputy minister was responding to a question raised by the Special Seats MP, Hawa Mwaifunga (CHADEMA), who had wanted to know what the

government was doing to help young women who got married at tender ages.

“What is the government doing to help children who are already in marriage at early ages?” she asked, adding that they were deprived of the right to achieve their goals.

Ms Khamis said such women had the opportunity to join various colleges and get skills through short courses offered by the vocational education training authorities (VETA) centres across the country.

They can also get training at the community development centres, institutes of social works available in different parts of the country, where they can gain knowledge and skills for self-employment or to be employed.

In her response, the deputy minister explained that after attaining vocational skills, they had the opportunities for employment in the public or private sectors.

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