Govt pledges support for women human rights defenders’ safety

Deputy Minister for Constitution and Legal Affairs Jumanne Sagini,

DAR ES SALAAM: THE government has reiterated its commitment to work with stakeholders to come up with regulations and guidelines that will see women human rights defenders operate in a very safe and conducive environment.

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) are all women and girls working on any human rights issue (“women defenders” and “girl defenders”) and people of all genders who work to promote women’s rights and rights related to gender equality.

Deputy Minister for Constitution and Legal Affairs Jumanne Sagini, made the commitment in Dar es Salaam on Friday during his keynote speech to commemorate the International Women Human Rights Defenders Day commemorated globally on November 29 of each year.


Mr Sagini was responding to a plea made by the Coalition of Women Human Rights Defenders in Tanzania on the need to come up with guidelines to protect women human rights defenders whose lives are reported to be under siege due to their work.

Speaking earlier during the day, Maria Matui, Board Chairperson for the Coalition of Women Human Rights Defenders said during the five years the coalition witnessed how women human rights defenders have not been able to work safely and freely.

“The protection of women human rights defenders to be confident is yet to get a system to formalise it. We have seen challenges of girls who have failed to defend themselves as a result.  The coalition would wish to see guidelines which will protect women human rights defenders and support women who will defend human rights,” said Matui.

For her part, Rachel Boma, the Coordinator for Access to Justice at UN Women said human rights defenders are at the forefront to fight discrimination and amplify the voices of the marginalised, protect the environment and safeguard the lives of children.

“Women human rights defenders   face violence and harassment. There is an urgent need to create protection measures, safeguard the access to justice of the rights they provide,” said Boma who read a speech on behalf of the UN Women Country Representative Hodan Addou.

International Women Human Rights Defenders Day is celebrated on November 29 to recognise the work of women who advocate for human rights.

In Tanzania, the Coalition of Women Human Rights Defenders marked the day which coincided with its 5th anniversary since its inception.

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According to Advocate Hilda Stuart Dadu, the Coalition’s Coordinator, her organisation has managed to record some milestones where it started with nine members in 2019 and has now 100 members from the 21 regions in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.

The commemorations drew participants from the Ministry of Constitution and Legal Affairs, Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance, Law reform Commission, the Coalition’s members, embassy of Sweden, Ireland, UN Women, office of the Attorney General, Regional Administration and Local Government well as Civil Society Organisation.