EABC, AGRA to boost intra-regional agri-food trade

THE East African Business Council has teamed up with Alliance for a Green Revolution to promote intra-regional agri-food cross border trade

TANZANIA: THE East African Business Council (EABC) has teamed up with Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) on a new initiative to promote intra-regional agri-food cross border trade.

The initiative dubbed “Promoting Intra-EAC AgriFood Cross-Border Trade by Tackling Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs)” aims to increase the participation of women and youth-led agri-food traders and boost the volume of agri-food trade specifically maize, maize flour, rice, beans, soybeans and horticulture across select East African trade corridors.

According to the EABC statement availed yesterday, the three-year project will empower approximately 2,440 youth and women-led cross-border traders in the region by resolving NTBs to reduce the cost and time of trading agri-food products.


“The project will capacitate youth-led agri-food traders with knowledge on using trade facilitation instruments such as the Simplified Trade Regime (STR) and trade portals, as well as establish digital trade information booths at borders,” statement read.

The partnership is backed by a grant of 399,900 US dollars from AGRA with funding from Mastercard Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

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The project will be implemented in collaboration with the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA), with EABC serving as the lead implementer.

The project will facilitate public-private dialogues at border points to identify and resolve emerging trade barriers and NTBs affecting agri-food trade.

An annual assessment will be conducted to establish an EAC NTB Index (NTBI) to monitor progress.

“This partnership between AGRA and EABC will boost food security, scale up employment for youth & women and improve the income of farmers across select East African trade corridors,” the statement said.

The earmarked corridors are Taveta in Kenya and Holili in Tanzania; Malaba and Busia in Kenya and Elegu in Uganda, Serari Mara and Kibirizi, Kigoma in Tanzania; and Mutukula, Kagera in Tanzania and Tunduma, Mbeya in Tanzania.

The project is set to enhance the knowledge of cross-border traders’ associations and women and youth-led agri-food traders on reporting and advocating for elimination of NTBs and accessing market information through capacity building and media campaigns.

“Governments will play a crucial role in the project by engaging in public-private dialogues and adopting reforms based on the findings of case studies and the EAC Agri-Food Trade NTBs Index.

“These efforts are vital in improving the business environment for young women and men in cross-border trade,” the statement said.

The EABC is the regional apex body of private sector associations and corporates from the eight East African countries.

It was established in 1997 to foster the interests of the private sector in the integration process of the East African Community.

EABC vision is a borderless East Africa for business and investment.

The primary mission is to promote sustainable private sector-driven growth in the EAC. www.eabc-online.com AGRA is an African-led organisation focused on putting farmers at the centre of the continent’s growing economy.

AGRA advances uniquely African solutions to sustainably raise farmers’ productivity and connect them to a growing marketplace.