Diagnostic services at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital now outsourced

Diagnostic services at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital now outsourced

THE government has started to outsource diagnostic services at Mnazi Mmoja Referral Hospital, with the view of improving services to wananchi, the House of Representatives was told here yesterday.

Deputy Minister of Health Hassan Khamis Hafidh told the house that Lancet and NSK will handle the laboratory and radiology services, respectively. NSK started offering services early this month while arrangements are at final stages for Lancet to take over the laboratory services.

The deputy minister was answering a question by Special Seats Representative Salma Mussa Bilal who wanted to know the government interventions to improve diagnostic services in the country’s public health facilities.


The legislator decried serious challenges that haunt the health sector, citing shortage of medical equipment and poor diagnostic services. She also raised concern over delays in diagnostic results.

The deputy minister conceded the challenges, saying the government has decided to outsource the services as the lasting solution.

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