SUMBAWANGA District Commissioner (DC), Mr Sebastian Waryuba has urged residents in the area and all Tanzanians to continue taking precaution measures against Covid -19, including getting vaccinated because the global pandemic is still prevalent.
Equally, the DC assured people that the vaccinations were safe, insisting that at the same time, the jab boost immunity and combat the development of severe infections across the country.
Administratively Sumbawanga District has two councils Sumbawanga municipality and Sumbawanga District Council.
Mr Wyuba strongly denounced the few ‘prophets of doom’ who spread unfounded reports against the vaccinations.
“I’m calling on the people to disregard them,” emphasised the DC.
He also appealed to the people to continue taking precaution against Covid-19 pandemic, adding that vaccination is the only option.
He appealed to health experts, religious leaders and youths through their groups to raise awareness on preventive measures.
Likewise, he reminded people to be watchful against other ailments including HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which are still claiming many lives in the country.
Lately three people were confirmed dead and 33 admitted to Matai Health Centre in Kalambo District in Rukwa Region, after succumbing to Covid-19 ailment.
The confirmation was made public by, Kalambo District Medical Officer (DMO) Dr Yugin Luitaisare said that between September 5 and 9 this year, two people from Mnamba village and one from Kasanga Ward along the shoreline of Lake Tanganyika died of Covid- 19 pandemic.
“At least 33 people have been hospitalised at the Matai Health Centre for treatment after being infected with global pandemic,” confirmed the DMO.
Equally, in efforts to implement measures to prevent the spread of the disease, Kalambo District Commissioner (DC) Ms Tano Mwela said the district has embarked on Covid-19 vaccination campaign from door to door so that no one is left behind.
Elaborating, she further explained that the campaign involves providing education and raising awareness to members of public to ensure that everyone remained safe.
She emphasised on the importance of the campaign in the region and Tanzania in general, adding that the global pandemic is still prevalent.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic in Tanzania in March 2020 until September 7, 2022, the government disclosed that there were 35,747 cases and 808 deaths.