THE Dar es Salaam City Council is planning to increase its revenue collection by 9.2 per cent in this fiscal year after, managing to maximise the same at the just ended financial year.
The city planned to collect 89bn/-in 2023/24 up from 81.5bn/- in 2022/23 from the internal sources by dividing the Ilala district, that houses the city, into seven administrative zones.
The Government Communication Officer, Dar City, Ms Tabu Shaibu, said the target was upped after surpassing the last fiscal goal collecting 101 per cent, saying the strategies laid down supported further revenue collection.
“Last year we exceeded the target and now we have set various strategies to be able to increase the scope of revenue which will enable us to achieve our goals,” Ms Shaibu told journalists on Wednesday.
The strategies set include dividing the City of Dar into seven administrative zones to facilitate provision of services and the council’s collection. The idea is to simplify the entire collection systems by bringing the services near levy payee, while also using the existing digital platforms—including the government payment systems.
Instead of people being served in one centre they will be served in their respected zones; namely Upanga East, Gerezani, Mnyamani, Kinyerezi, Gongo la Mboto, Kipunguni and Chanika.
The zones will serve the wards under them. For instance, Kinyerezi will serve Tabata, Liwiti, Kimanga, Kisukulu, Segerea, Bonyokwa and Kinyerezi while Gerezani will handle Ilala, Mchikichini, Jangwani, Kariakoo, Mchafukoge and Gerezani wards.
“This will contribute to sustainable development and manage the provision of services efficiently,” said Ms Shaibu.
The purpose of dividing the Ilala district that house the City of Dar es Salaam in small zones is to increase not only efficiency and boost collection but also helps on implementing the city budget and social development planning.
This envisages also to enable city fathers to receive opinions from the residents in planning the wards development agenda closely.