TANGA: A NON-GOVERNMENTAL organisation, Amend Tanzania, has managed to create awareness on road safety to over 12,000 students and residents in Tanga City Council.
Amend Tanzania Country Manager, Mr Simon Kalolo, said the achievement has been made as the organisation completed 90 per cent of its road safety Action Plan.
“This road safety action plan aimed at improving safe and sustainable journeys for the City of Tanga was launched on November 11, 2022,” he said.
According to Mr Kalolo, the action plan has different actions to be completed by the end of 2023, media campaigns to involve politicians, including local councillors, engaging community development officers, encouraging the improvement of pedestrian infrastructure and creating safe school zones.
“Others are ensuring pedestrian paths are clear training for motorcycle drivers, first aid training and engaging various road safety stakeholders in Tanga,” he added.
Speaking on achievements, Mr Kalolo said the road safety initiative has educated 3,501 students of primary schools Mabawa, Majengo and Shabaan Robert and other 3,247 students from Toledi, Kihere and Kiomoni secondary schools.
“By the end of June, through over 50 meetings or events, community development officers reached out to about 6,600 citizens. The initiative has also trained 350 motorcycle drivers to make the total number of drivers who received training to reach 950,” he said.
Mr Kalolo stated further that on May 18, 2023 the organisation completed and launched the infrastructure in three primary schools of Shaaban Robert, Mabawa and Majengo.
“We completed the installation of pedestrian infrastructure in one area with three primary schools. The main goal is to reduce the speed of vehicles to less than 30km/h and give children a safe place to walk,” he pointed out.
He added that they launched two school clubs: A road safety club at Usagara Primary School and a bicycle safety club at Usagara Secondary School, each comprising 20 children.
“We gave intensive road safety training to these children, after they graduated as ambassadors, receiving certificates in small events. The activities of these clubs have included training, road safety discussions, games, table discussions and participating in media campaigns,” he stated.
Since 2019, with the funding of the Foundation Botnar organisation through the Tanga Yetu initiative, the Amend organisation has been working together with the Tanga City Council in improving road infrastructure in school areas including footpaths, pedestrian footbridges, road signs, speed humps, rumble strips and zebra crossings.
Also, the Amend has been providing road safety education to students, as well as establishing road safety clubs and model courts.