92bn/- allocated for construction of govt city

Infrastructure, Communication and Transport Minister Dr Khalid Salum Mohamed

CONSTRUCTION of the government city is underway, with about 92bn/- allocated to the project in the 2022/2023 budget, the House of Representatives was told here on Monday.

Infrastructure, Communication and Transport Minister Dr Khalid Salum Mohamed informed the house that through execution of the multibillion projects, the government is determined to address the shortage of offices for the government officers.

He explained that some of the buildings that house the government offices are not in good shape and others are congested.


“The envisaged government city will have all government offices; and about 92bn/- has been set aside to start the project this financial year,” Dr Khalid told the house in reply to a question by Mfenesini Representative Machano Othman Said.

The legislator had wanted to know the government plan to address office shortage at Urban West Regional Commissioner and district commissioners’ offices, arguing that the office shortage was inconveniencing workers.

Standing for Minister of State, President’s Office, Regional Administration, Local Governments and Special Departments Masoud Ali Mohammed, Dr Khalid said drawings for the Urban West regional commissioner and three district commissioners’ offices have been presented to the president’s office, finance and planning for implementation.