NBC bank strengthens cooperation with customers in Dodoma region

National Bank of Commerce (NBC)

DODOMA: The National Bank of Commerce (NBC), through its team of Business and Investment Division (CIB) yesterday paid a visit to several sectors in Dodoma Region with the aim of promoting cooperation and innovation for customers in the banking industry.

 During the visit, the group also met Government Accountant General, Mr. Leonard Mkude at his Offices in the Ministry of Finance together with Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) Executive Director Eng.Victor Seff in his office.

 In the course, the bank paid the visit as part of listening to its customers and improving services to meet their needs.


 That comes with the background that the cooperation between financial institutions and customers is important due to the constant changes in the creative environment and technological development.

ALSO READ: NBC bank introduces ‘Mfugaji Account’ for livestock sector

 Speaking during a dinner event, organized by the bank, NBC Director of Cooperate and Investment Banking, Mr. James Meitaron, said “We believe that the key to being a unique service provider is to understand the needs and wishes of our customers. So through these visits we get recommendations and advice with creative solutions to improve the banking experience in general.”

 Customers who attended the event expressed their satisfaction with the bank in meeting their needs, saying they had the opportunity to share and register their so that they are addressed.

 In response, Mr Meitaron promised to continue listening and addressing challenges being faced by their customers, especially those in the Lake Zone including Mwanza as well as the region in the northern region of Arusha.