DODOMA: A DELEGATION of nine officials from the Kingdom of Eswatini has been impressed by the efficiency and the quality of services offered digitally to pensioners of the Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF), offering to borrow a leaf.
Led by the Minister of Public Service, Mabulala Maseko, delegation members visited the PSSSF headquarters in Dodoma, where they were received by the Director General, Mr AbdulRazaq Badru (pictured) and discussed a number of various issues pertaining to the pension fund as well as how best to transform the public pension fund in their country.
During their meeting, the delegation from the Kingdom of Eswatini said that it had come to learn how PSSSF transformed itself to become a giant pension fund for retirees in the public service, so that the similar fund in Eswatini can follow a similar path.
“We want to benefit from their experience and understand how they became a giant institution and I believe that this exercise will make us a powerful house in the Kingdom of Eswatini,’’ said minister Maseko.
He said they are in the country to learn and adopt best practices that ensure sustainable social security.
They also seek to learn Tanzania’s success in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
“We are here to learn and adopt best practices that ensure sustainable social security systems in our country.
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Tanzania’s success in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth through PSSSF is commendable and serves as a benchmark for Africa,” he remarked.
Mr Maseko further noted that he had been accompanied with a strong team from his country, which was eager to learn so that a greater improvement was made when the delegation returns home.
According to him, The Kingdom of Eswatini’s public service pension funds was now looking at transforming from a provident fund to a pension fund.
“We express our admiration for the robust systems and achievements and we are going to share and transform our pension funds” he said.
PSSSF has been a centre of attraction by many pension funds from different countries because of its outstanding performance, according to the funds DG Abdul-Razaq Badru.
“Efficiency and the quality of services offered digitally to pensioners have been the main reasons why many visitors from outside the country are attracted to come and learn,’’ noted Mr Badru.
According to the PSSSF DG, Tanzania believes in collaboration and sharing of experiences with other countries, so as to develop the social security funds.
“We believe that this working visit will be yet another opportunity to establish close partnership with the Kingdom of Eswatini as well as other countries wishing to learn from us,’’ said Mr Badru.