Entrepreneurs advised to enhance standards of good

ENTREPRENEURS have been advised to enhance the quality standards of their goods as a way to sustain market competition

MBEYA: ENTREPRENEURS have been advised to enhance the quality standards of their goods as a way to sustain market competition locally and globally.

Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) Officer from Mbeya Zonal office Ernest Simon made the speech, while speaking during the Mbeya Entrepreneurs Expo 2024.

“The government recognises the role played by entrepreneurs in the economy and this is why it is putting more efforts to ensure that quality standards are observed for penetrating wide market,” he said.


He said the government through TBS has been using various programmes and platforms to educate entrepreneurs in different parts of the country on standards regulations.

He said TBS used the Mbeya trade fair to provide education to entrepreneurs on things required to be done in order to produce goods that meet the country’s standards.

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He said they also used the trade fair to inform entrepreneurs on the need to acquire quality mark of standards provided by TBS as an important prerequisite for easy access to wide domestic and regional markets.

He said the Finance Act No. 2 of 2009 and Finance Act No. 8 of 2019 gives TBS the mandate of protecting the quality and safety of all domestic and imported products.

“If TBS and stakeholders particularly traders cooperate, we shall boost our country’s economy since our products will easily penetrate the regional and global markets,” he emphasised.

The government through TBS will ensure the necessary guidelines relating to the quality and safety of the products are given in time to ensure products that did not meet the required standard are removed from the market.

The government has been putting more effort to build a strong economy which is sustainable and it is from this backdrop that TBS is continuing to provide education to producers and consumers on the need to abide by quality standards.