ZANZIBAR Ports Corporation (ZPC), has received modern equipment to speed up cargo clearance at the Malindi Port.
The received facilities purchased from UK at the cost of more than 16bn/- are a mobile harbour crane and a reach stacker, of which the Minister for Infrastructure, Communication and Transport, Dr Khalid Salum Mohamed explained as vital in improving efficiency at the historical Malindi seaport.
“The purchased equipment will enable the port to reduce waiting time for cargo ships to berth or dock from six days or more to at least three to four days. Time for containers offloading will also decrease,” Dr Mohamed said here as he thanked President Hussein Ali Mwinyi for his ongoing efforts to improve services at the seaport.
He said, however, the solution for congestion at Malindi seaport caused by unskilled labour and inability to operate to the required standard, and shortage of equipment, is the completion of the ongoing construction of a multipurpose seaport at Mangapwani areas, North Unguja.
“Plans to develop the new port at Mangapwani are going on, but at this time we have to improve services at our main seaport of Malindi, which will remain as a tourism port in the near future, and also the government has opted to contract a private company to run the port.
The Minister said getting new equipment is to ensure that the current Zanzibar big port gets enough tools for increasing operational efficiency, and enabling it to handle more cargo.
“The arrival of these tools is a continuation of the major reforms in our ports. Maintenance of the equipment is important and the Ministry will continue to monitor the performance of the ZPC so that it contributes more to the Islands national economy,” he said.
Earlier, ZPC director general Mr Nahaat Mohammed Mahfoudh said that reforms taking place at the ports and purchase of new equipment will contribute in increasing efficiency at the port.
Mr Juma Hashim- one of the importers of goods said delays in cargo clearance was one of the biggest problems facing Zanzibar port.
“It is costly and we have complained for long. It is good news that the port has purchased new equipment that will help minimise delays. I thank the government.”