‘Zanzibar made strides last year’


ZANZIBAR: PRESIDENT Hussein Ali Mwinyi has underlined the great successes Zanzibar recorded in 2023, with hopes that the Isles will further perform better in achieving its development goals during the 2024.

In his end-of- the-year message, Dr Mwinyi said “We have attained successes in strengthening economic growth, infrastructure, trade and investment, social services including education, health, clean and safe water, electricity and strengthening democ- racy and good governance.”

He explained that in general, all sectors have been able to make great strides under Zanzibar’s development plans including the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) 2020/2025 election manifesto and its 2050 development vision.


The President mentioned that details about successes achieved were explained last November, via various plat- forms- forums and media, when his government marked three years in office.

“I would like to use this opportunity once again to express my sincere gratitude to all citizens, leaders at various levels and all government servants, religious and civil society leaders, the private sector and our development partners inside and outside Tanzania for their great cooperation, which enabled the governent to implement its development plans successfully,” he said.

Dr Mwinyi delivered special thanks to Dr Samia Su-uhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania, all leaders and executives in the mainland for their coop- eration in making the government’s activities successful.

“It is my prayer that we maintain this cooperation during the New Year (2024) and beyond, so that our country can attain more economic growth, and improve delivery of social services.

Some of the admirable achievements recorded in 2023 included improving education infrastructures by constructing 62 new schools to various levels, 10 new District hospitals enhanced with modern equipment and one regional hospital at Lumumba area, in Unguja Urban District.

Other successes are the construction of centres for entrepreneurs in each district and empowering small fishers and seaweed farmers by providing them with loans and equipment as well as starting the construction of 103.5 km of main roads, 275 km feeder and rural roads network along with the construction of roads measuring 100 km, in total, in Zanzibar City and two flyovers in the city.

He said that the Mangapwani multipurpose port project has also started with various steps including the construction of road to the area, the allocation of areas for various activities, and the construction of new residential houses for the citizens who had to shift to pave way for the huge project.

“In addition to this, we have completed the con- struction of the Terminal III building at the Abeid Amani Karume International Airport (AAKIA), which has attracted more major airlines that make their scheduled flights to Zanzibar, increasing the revenue collection from 6.11bn/- in 2019/2020 to 29.3bn- in 2022/2023,” he said.

He also mentioned the construction/expansion of Pemba airport; completion of reconstruction of Amani Stadium (renamed- New Amani Complex); construction of new markets at Mwanakwerekwe, Jumbi and Chuini (ex- pected to be completed) and the construction of Market at Mombasa in Zanzibar.

“Similarly, the Zanzibar Government is in the final stages of completing water projects throughout Unguja and Pemba to end the challenge of accessing safe water in all areas without supply,” Dr Mwinyi said, as he thanked the Exim Bank of India which supports the construction of 25 reserve tanks with the capacity to store 134,000,000 litres of water.

Another major water project is supported by the IMF under its Covid-19 relief fund, which has enabled the construction of 10 water storage tanks with a capacity of storing 10,000,000 litres,

“These two projects will bring great relief to people in over- coming the challenge of water shortage in the country.” The start of the construc- tion of parking lots in Kijangwani and Malindi, to improve housing for citizens by con- struction of modern houses at kwa-mchina and Tomondo in the Unguja are other progress recorded Zanzibar should celebrate as achievement in the past year.

He said “Respective Ministers have continued to give details regarding success in various areas as the country marks the 60th anniversary of the 1964 revolution, “My promise is that the Govern- ment will continue with pace of development in 2024 by completing all the projects that have started and also start new development projects.” “With the success we achieved in the year 2023, let us maintain hard work, commitment and collaboration in 2024, including maintaining peace and unity in our country. Without peace and unity no success will be achieved,” Dr Mwinyi emphasised adding. We should also strengthen  collaboration to end Gender based Violence (dominated by sexual abuse of children), use of illicit drugs, stop ruining the environment and take mitigation/adaptation measures to reduce im- pact of climate change, corruption and economic crimes.

“In fact, this struggle requires the contribution of each of us by cooperating with the law enforcement agencies.”

He urged Zanzibaris and Tanzanians in general to fully take part in ongoing activities to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the 1964 revolution climaxing on January 12, 2024.

The theme for this year is “60 years of the Zanzibar Revolution: Strengthen the Economy, Patriotism, Peace and Development of our Nation.”