Yanga,Kagera, refs face TPLB wrath  

Yanga,Kagera, refs face TPLB wrath  

TANZANIA Premier League Board’s Operation Committee has slapped 1m/-fine to Young Africans  for their fans’ misconduct during their Premier League’s match against Polisi Tanzania at Sheikh Amri Abeid.

The defending champions have also been fined 500,000/- after their technical bench made four substations instead of three during their match against Coastal Union contrary to the league’s regulation number 17:32.

According a statement released by TPLB Information Unit on Tuesday the body also slapped a 1m/- fine for fans’ indiscipline during the game against Polisi Tanzania when they threw bottles of water on the pitch contrary to regulation number  47:1


During the game, the reserve referee Abel Wiliam from Arusha and assistant referee one Ferdinand Chacha from Mwanza were strongly warned for failing to stand for league’s regulation during the match. This is according to regulation number 42:1(1.6) on referees.

Morogoro’s referee Raphael Ikambi was removed from refereeing for three rounds for failing to interpret the law during the Coastal Union match against Yanga. This is according to the league’s regulation number 42.1(1.1).

Ikambi failed to interpret the law in an incident where Yanga’s defender Yanick Bangala was harshly fouled by Coastal Union’s Mtenje Albano.

However, Albani escaped the ban.

The league reminds all players responsibility to safeguard other players’ security by playing fairly as it is stipulated by league’s regulation number 83 and it also reminds players of not retaliating when they are fouled as regulation number 1(C) stipulates.

Other teams faced up with TPLB slaps are Kagera Sugar in a league match number 16 whereas they were fined 500,000/- after they refused to enter the changing room during their match with Simba at Benjamin Mkapa Stadium. Kagera Sugar was fined according to the league’s regulation number 17:20.

The committee also fined Kagera Sugar and Dodoma Mji to pay 1m/- each after they had disrespected the league main sponsor(NBC) in which they didn’t wear the jersey with sponsor’s name.

The two teams were fined according to league’s regulation number 16:1(1.1).

And the match referee Ahmada Simba who officiated the game between Singida Big Stars and Mbeya City was banned for three months for failing to interpret the law of the game where he awarded penalty that gave Singida Big Stars victory and he was banned by league’s regulation number 42.1(1.1)