TZ on track in supporting women to expand decent work

TZ on track in supporting women to expand decent work

TANZANIA is making good progress in preparing an enabling environment to support women and young women to expand decent work to attain economic justice by 2026.

The country is committed to implement various International and regional instruments aiming at improving women’s economic empowerment and achieve gender equality in all aspects as it is also agreed in Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), SADC Gender and Development Declaration of 1997 and AU Agenda 2063.

This was stated by the Minister for Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups Dr Dorothy Gwajima, as she made her remarks recently at the French Ambassador’s residence; as they hosted the Executive Director of UN Women (The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) Ms Sima Bahous, during her visit to Tanzania on the occasion of the International Day of a Girl Child marked yesterday, which commemorates its 10th anniversary this year.


“The Development Visions of Tanzania mainland (2025) and Zanzibar (2050) has transformed the country into a middle-income status therefore, the next step is to continue building strong and competitive economy; achieve quality livelihoods; improve good governance and the rule of law using the rich natural resource base and cultural heritage,” she revealed.

Moreover, she explained that the Third Five Year Development Plan (FYDP III) for Tanzania Mainland and ZSGRP III in Zanzibar translate the visions and provide guidance on productive sectors such as agriculture, mining, tourism, manufacturing and services.

Both frameworks are gender sensitive and have specific focus on nurturing industrialization for economic transformation and human development.

She continued to mention interventions made that create a conducive environment in supporting and empowering women to include the Financial Inclusion Framework II (2018-2022); which gives a priority on access to finance to women and includes digital financial services.

Noting that, the amendment of Local Government Authorities Financial Act (2018) – Cap 290, has added a new Section 37A which requires all Local Government Authorities (LGAs) to set aside 10 percent of their revenue collection for purposes of providing interest free loans to registered groups of Women, Youth and Persons Living with Disabilities.

Dr Gwajima explained that Tanzania has also put in place enabling environment for employment of both men and women through policies and legal frameworks that promote gender equality and women empowerment specifically, Gender Equality; Labour and Employment; Education; Agriculture; small and medium enterprises (MSMEs); Empowerment and Youth to mention a few.

“With this speed and the coming GEF Program, it is obvious over the next five years, Tanzania will advance women’s empowerment to the positive desired outcomes of seeing more women productive employment, including self-employment, fair income, security at workplace, social protection for families and better scenarios for personal development,” she asserted.

On the other hand, Ms Bahous acknowledged the commitment Tanzania has on creating financial opportunities to be potential in unlocking other areas for women empowerment.

“We commended Tanzania for the deliberate steps taken so far, including establishing the national advisory committee to oversee implementation of its generation equality program,” she asserted.

Commenting on behalf of the French Ambassador to Tanzania Nabil HAJLAOUI, the Embassy’s Chargé d’Affaires Mr Axel GUILON said that the embassy remains committed to the agenda of women empowerment on the ground and with Tanzanian women. Social improvement and the uplifting of society for both genders is on top of the list of the Embassy’s agenda.

“We have been fortunate to find inspiring Tanzanian women who are not afraid to defy the gender stereotype and fight for their rights. It is thanks to these strong voices that we can implement these projects,” he said.

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