TBS commits to provide public awareness on standards

Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)

TANZANIA Bureau of Standards (TBS) has vowed to continue providing awareness of the need to purchase quality goods to make sure that it becomes part and parcel of Tanzanian lives.

The remarks were made by the TBS Marketing Officer, Ms Debora Haule at the Maisara area in Zanzibar during the 9th business festival intended to reach the citizens including the local manufacturers, traders, suppliers and importers.

“TBS has used the event to educate the public on its activities including goods certification, registering business premises, foods and cosmetics products, products testing and thorough inspection of the imported products,” she said.


She added, “TBS has the mandate to check the standards of the local and imported products…so local manufacturers, traders, and importers are obliged to check the products before reaching the markets,” she said.

Ms Haule said the citizens should check and verify the products before buying them since they are the final customers and decision-makers.

“Since the citizens are the final consumers and also the primary victims to low-quality products… if they build the tendency of checking the condition of the products first, our local markets will be full of quality products,” she added.

Ms Haule said that the responsibility of ensuring the quality of products in our country is not only for the TBS but all citizens including the manufacturers, importers, suppliers, and consumers.

She also sensitised that if TBS and the stakeholders cooperate, we shall boost our country’s economy since our products will be penetrating the global market.

The government through TBS will ensure the necessary guidelines relating to the quality and safety of the products are given in time to ensure products that did not meet the required standard are removed from the market.

On the other hand, entrepreneurs can reap immense benefits by producing goods that meet the required standards including building consumers’ confidence and fetching high market prices.

The government has been putting more effort to build a strong economy which is sustainable and it is from this backdrop that TBS is continuing to provide education to producers and consumers on the need to abide by quality standards.

To build a strong, stable, and competitive economy, the government wants to ensure that imported goods meet the country’s quality standards to protect local manufacturers and consumers’ health.

Similarly, manufacturers and all service providers are urged to be competitive in quality production and to know that both quality and competition are important in capturing the market.

TBS has also been providing various trainings to different groups to prepare the participants to be more oriented and educated in considering the requirements of relevant standards as well as the services they provide to the community.