TANAPA: Why you shouldn’t touch wild animals

TANAPA: Why you shouldn’t touch wild animals

THE Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) has warned tourists against interfering with nature while sampling the country’s natural attractions.

The conservation agency reiterated through a statement that touching and feeding of wild animals was strictly prohibited in protected areas.

It further called on the tourists and the general public to adhere to laid down rules and regulations while game driving in national parks.


“Touching or getting close to wild animals is prohibited, one risks getting mauled and killed by wild animals, bearing in mind they are within their territories,” said Catherine Mbena, TANAPA’s Senior Conservation Officer in Charge of Communications.

While it’s incredible to be so up-close to some of the wild animals, Ms Mbena maintained that human beings should never actually touch them, saying it will have negative side effects for the animals and the ecosystem.

“Wild animals are also highly susceptible to diseases from human hands,” she explained through the statement.

The senior conservation officer further observed that feeding wild animals could create dependency on humans that diminishes the animal’s natural survival abilities, adding that human contact could change wild animals’ natural behaviour.

She equally warned tour operators against Off-road driving saying it affects and disturbs plant and wildlife habitat, and degrades a park’s nature, beauty, and scenery.

TANAPA’s assertion comes a few days after a footage of a tourist touching a lion, while game driving went viral, eliciting mixed reactions from conservation enthusiasts.

The incident is said to have happened on August 2nd this year, inside the Serengeti National Park.

According to Ms Mbena, the conservation agency was mulling over punitive measures following the incident.

In July this year, TANAPA slapped a heavy penalty on a group of tourists caught off-road driving inside Serengeti National Park.