SOME 640 form six leavers who performed well in science subjects in this year’s National Examination will benefit from Samia Scholarship as they join higher learning institutions in the 2023/2024 academic year.
The scholarship was named after President Samia Suluhu Hassan due to her efforts to encourage secondary school students to excel in science subjects.
Speaking to journalists on Friday, Minister for Education, Science and Technology, Prof Adolph Mkenda said the scholarship is part of the government efforts to accelerate development of human capital especially for youth.
“Investing in education is important. That is why we came up with the Samia Scholarship to encourage students to love science because we need to invest in youth who are a crucial part of the human capital in the country.
“The scholarship is based on a student’s excellent performance in science subjects and readiness to continue studying science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medical studies in local higher learning institutions.
“There is no way students will get the Samia Scholarship without meeting the required criteria, which includes performing well in science subjects, among others PCM, PCB, CBG, CBN, PGM, CBA and PMC,” Prof Mkenda said.
He said the Ministry has allocated 6.7bn/- to finance the studies of the beneficiaries, including those who are continuing with studies and those who will be admitted in 2023/2024 academic year, thus mak total number of 127 beneficiaries.
Moreover, he said that in the 2022/2023 academic, year a total of 636 students benefited from Samia Scholarship, of which 261were female equal to 41 per cent and male were 375 (59 per cent) where they were admitted to 18 government and private universities.
He said the scholarship is an incentive to encourage students to venture more into science subjects which would eventually increase their numbers.
Prof Mkenda said the country wanted to invest heavily in science and its intention is to focus on science and technology to improve the wellbeing of its people and for national development.
Prof Mkenda said that for those who will be offered the Samia Scholarship, even if they do not want to continue with higher learning studies, they will be awarded certificates in recognition of their efforts.
“In recognition of their efforts in science studies, even if a student gets the opportunity and does not continue in college for whatever reason, perhaps by going to study abroad or studying non-science subjects, we will give a certificate of recognition,” said Pro Mkenda.
On her part, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Permanent Secretary, Prof Carolyine Nombo said Samia scholarship covers 100 percent cost of the university studies.
Prof Nombo said that after the government has selected the beneficiaries, they will be required to apply for the scholarship through a window which will be opened on September 25 this year.
“Samia Scholarship will cover the training fee, food and accommodation allowance, books and textbooks allowance, special needs for practical training, research, support equipment for those with special needs and health insurance,” said Prof Nombo.
The scholarship is permanent and expanded to meet more beneficiaries who would crop up.
One of the beneficiaries, Nassir Abdulla, a Bachelor of Pharmacy student at MUHAS said they will strive to study hard not to lose the opportunity they got and fulfill the government and individual goals.