Saanane park begins campaign to attract more tourists

Saanane park

The Saanane National Park has begun a door-to-door campaign to increase the number of local tourists visiting country’s tourism attractions and boost the sector’s contribution to economic development.

The Park’s Warden, Ms Eva Mallya said here recently that the campaign aims at support the government efforts to promote the country’s tourism attractions through the Royal Tour Film by encouraging Tanzanians to visit them.

“We usually visit the universities, colleges, schools and both public and private offices to provide detailed information on the country’s tourism attractions as way to persuade cultivate culture of touring them,” she said.


She said at Saanane National Park, tourists can find wild animals like zebras, lions, crocodiles and monkeys. There are also campsites services, sport fishing, walking safaris as well as boat excursions on Lake Victoria.

The tourists can also go for rock hiking, picnicking, walking along designated trails and canoeing with dhows along the Lake.

Ms Mallya explained further that the campaign that took-off some days ago is continuous and Tanzanians have responded to it positively.

“About 90 per cent of our tourists are locals and the number keeps on increasing. In totality, we recorded 19,132 and 23,913 tourists in 2020/2021 and 2021/2022, respectively,” she said.

It was further noted that the National Park is anticipating having more than 24,000 tourists in the coming financial year.

She said the government tries its best to set up affordable costs in the name of promoting the tourism sector but also enabling Tanzanians benefit with their natural resources.

One of the tourists at Saanane, Mr Fredrick Stanslaus commended the Park’s efforts towards promoting the available tourism attraction through the campaign, through which people have been attracted to visit the area.

He advised the campaign to be conducted through public rallies, from the village level, so as to make it more meaningful.

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