WOMEN in Kigoma Region are benefitting from a special project designed to add value to palm crop products with an objective to boost their social economic wellbeing.
The project is benefiting women from three villages of Kanazi, Janda and Bukuba in Buhigwe District. The project is implemented jointly by the Buhigwe District Council, International Trade Centre (ITC) and Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO).
Speaking at the recently ended Coast Region Business Exhibitions in Kibaha Town, SIDO Business Officer for Kigoma Region Mr Habibu Issa said that lives of women in the three villages are being positively transformed by the project.
“In 2020, ITC visited our District and noted that the women were cultivating palms but ended producing oil which was of poor quality. This resulted into ITC, SIDO and the Council joining forces to find ways to help them to improve the quality of their product,” he stated.
He explained that ITC provided a total of 226m/- for setting up an office, procuring equipment and conducting trainings.
“The equipment provided by ITC has not only saved the women but also other residents in the three villages, who are also using them for making quality palm oil,” he said.
According to SIDO Regional Manager Mr Gervas Ntahamba, the project has significantly helped to improve crop yields.
“It has motivated farmers to expand cultivation, which has long lasting benefits to the villagers and the council as well. This project is directly touching lives of women, who are depended by their families,” he said.
He said apart from earning money, the women have also been able to learn new technology of making quality palm oil. Plans are now under way to reach more women in other districts in the region.
Ntahamba said SIDO is also in the process of working with ITC to get machines for producing sunflower oil under the same project.
Josephine Kiwaga, a treasurer of women group from Kanazi village, said the project has enabled women to improve e income, including supporting their families in different ways.
“We have also been able to apply for loans to expand our businesses,” she added.