Ministry pledges to end water woes in Ukerewe


WATER Deputy Minister Ms Maryprisca Mahundi has assured of government commitment to continue executing various programmes aimed at addressing water woes in Ukerewe District.

Ms Mahundi issued the government commitment on Wednesday during her one-day visit to the Kazilamkanda water project.

She said the power cuts at the Chabilungo water station caused serious water problem to Ukerewe residents.


She asked Rural Urban Water Agency (RUWASA) Mwanza branch to ensure that it pays 64m/- electricity bill it owes the Tanzania Electricity Supply Company (TANESCO).

“I congratulate Ruwasa for the good work it is doing in ensuring provision of water to the people, but it should also pay electricity bills on time and this is due to the fact that most of our water sources use electricity,” Ms Mahundi said.

She instructed Ruwasa Mwanza to continue with the implementation of various water projects to enable residents get access to clean and safe water.

Ms Mahundi said the government will continue to increase people’s access to water services in Ukerewe District where to date the availability of the precious liquid stands at 62 per cent.

She has instructed Ruwasa Mwanza to come up with a plan to control water loss.

The deputy minister said that the government has identified access to sustainable safe and clean water and sanitation services as one of the pillars of its poverty reduction strategy.

“I call upon the Ukerewe residents to take good care of the water infrastructure as the government continues to ensure it improves provision of clean, reliable and safe water to its citizens,” she said.

Ukerewe Member of Parliament Joseph Mkundi asked Ruwasa to establish an electronic system for paying water bills.

He asked the country’s revenue authority (TRA) to reduce taxes so that they can pay for the pipes for the Ukara water project.

Mr Mkundi congratulated Ruwasa for the installation of two new water pumps at Chabilungo water station.

He lauded the government for its efforts to improve social services in the constituency and the country at large.

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