Personal pronouns are six in numbers in Kiswahili language. In singular you have three and in plural you have three, two in each category, you have the first person, second and third.
With the first person singular you have “Mimi” that is equivalent to “I” in English.
The second person singular “wewe” that is equivalent to “you” in English.
And third person singular you have “yeye” that stands for “he” or “she” or it in English.
On another hand you have “sisi” as first person plurar that is equivalent to “we” in English.
Then you have “Ninyi” as second person plural that is equivalent to “you” in English
And you have “wao” as third person plural that is equivalent to “they”
Kiswahili pronoun/English pronoun
First person pronoun singular Mimi I
Second person pronoun singular. Wewe You
Third person pronoun singular. Yeye He or she or it
First person plural. Sisi We
Second person plural. Ninyi You
Third person plural. Wao They
We will continue with our topic next time.