Swahili uses a different set of subject prefixes to express negations.The idea of negation is contained in these subject prefixes.
They are:
a: in the M_W A class:
si, I…..,not. hatu, we………not
hi, you…..not. ham, you……not
ha, he, she……not. hawa, they……not
b. in other classes;
M/ MI, hau/ hai,. e.g. mti hau…….miti hai…..anguki
KI/VI,haki/havi,. Kiti haki……viti havi…..fai.
N/ N, hai/hazi,. Nyumba hai…… vyumba hazi…..toshi
O/MA, Hali/haya,. Jina Hali……majina haya………..maana
U, hau/hazi,. Uso hau…….nyuso hazi……sura,
PA, hapa,. Pahali hapa……fai
KU ,haki,. Kusoma hakutoshi
The following rules apply to the formation of negatives in Swahili:
i. All verbs drop ku of the infinitives in all the tenses, only the monosyllabic verbs retain the ku in the future tense.
ii. verbs ending in a or e change these final vowels into in the present tense only.
iii. na which shows the present tense in the affirmative statements is not replaced by ja, li by ku, and ta remains unchanged.
Swahili tenses in the affirmative and in the negative;
Affirmative. Negative
Kusoma, to read. Kutokusoma, not to read
We will continue next time