Expert calls for sustainable education on cybercrimes

CYBERSECURITY and digital forensics expert, Mr Yusuph Kileo, has called for sustainable public awareness programmes on cybercrimes to make people avoid cyber-attacks.

“As we approach the cybersecurity awareness month in October, Governments in Africa through ministry responsible need to create the awareness for people to use the information communication technology in the proper way,” Mr Kileo urged.

The country may also take advantage of international events like ‘Cyber security awareness month’ and ‘Data privacy day’ to run a national level awareness programmes.


The previous cyber-attacks in many of African countries should serve as a wakeup call, he said.

It is hoped though that all African countries will enact cybercrime legislation.

However, the continent needs to put a strong and workable institutional framework first so as to be fully involved in the war against global cybercrime.

“The cyber security policy and effective cybersecurity awareness for any country especially, those who have embarked on ICT development is very important,” Mr Kileo added.

The policy protects information and builds the capability to prevent cyber-attacks through developing cyber security skill sets, cyber crisis management, critical infrastructure protection, public and private partnership security issues and other related policy issues.

The general objective of the cyber security policy is to make the country safe on the cyber space, by taking care of different aspects, including strengthening regulatory control, promotion of research and developments and securing the critical infrastructure.

The document can be updated and changed to suit the advance in technology and counter new cyber-attack techniques, he said.

The Computer Security Incident Response Team in Tanzania is a dedicated technical team with the responsibility of coordinating response to cyber security incidents at the national level and cooperate with regional and international entities involved in the management of cyber security incidents.

The learning institutions need to include the cyber security in their curriculum to enable lawyers, advocates, regulators, IT professionals, policy makers, managers and other people involved in security to be able to combat the cyber security in their organisations.

It is through security awareness programmes that organisations can develop, grow and maintain the culture for their employees, vendors, and suppliers.

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