CRDB Bank has embarked on an initiative aimed at sharpening journalists with financial and business reporting.
CRDB’s Director of Corporate Affairs, Ms Tully-Esther Mwambapa said in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday that the move has come after the bank saw the increasing gap on quality of business and financial stories on media with little analysis.
“The CRDB Bank Media Day 2022 is first such event and the plan is to continue having such forums in the future.The end goal is to up the level of financial reporting,” she said.
The event attracted over 200 participants mostly veteran and upcoming journalists who discussed various issues especially on finance and business reporting.
The participants of the single-day forum held in Dar es Salaam dwelled on content preparation, ethics, regulation issues to better feed the market with accurate and timely stories.
The Director said the lender’s success is “much pegged” greatly on media information to the public that had positive outcome to the society.
“The media not only drummed beat about CRDB policies and objectives to the masses but also the national economy performance at various stages,” she said.
The director noted that with good corporate or country policies, media should not be ignored. As they are much needed to enable the masses grasp what is happening at their surroundings.
Due to the importance of media to elevate various sectors the bank is figuring out to continue sponsoring journalists on further studies regarding economic, finance and business reporting in a bid to reach the masses.
The bank believes that the more the masses are reached and sensitized on financial issues the economy will perform positively.
Mr Bakari Machumu, the Managing Director of Mwananchi Communications, said journalists should be knowledgeable on the subject are reporting hence specialisation is needed.
“Knowing the subject better will enable one to write not only better piece but also to field good questions,” Mr Machumu, who is a business reporter, said during the forum.
Mr Samwel Carol of PwC, presenting a paper on how to report financial statements said one should read and read and reread the statement and if failed to understand asked experts to accurately reporting numbers.
Mr Stephen Mokiwa the founder of Teknkona, said data showed that 85 per cent people are watching television while using mobile phone, according to
“This is an opportunity to media fraternity should seize it to weed out fake news,” Mr Mokiwa said.
However, TCRA Rolf Kibaja said its a paramount important to adhere to the rules and regulations when preparing radio, TV and online programmes.
Some participants of the yester-forum were students of university of Dar es Salaam school of journalism and Dar es Salaam School of Journalism (DSJ).
Other were Kinondoni DC Godwin Gondwe and Kigamboni DC Fatma Nyangasa who both are journalists.